Chapter 4: Enough

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        I pulled my keys out of my pocket, fitting them into the door and twisting the handle. My back was aching from the large amount of books I had crammed in my bag. My three classes were done for the day. I had classes Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of the summer. Besides going to school, I was either working or in my room studying.

        I stepped through the door, eyes meeting Craig's while he sat on the computer. He gave me a small smile, fingers gripping a bowl and spoon. Cereal rested on the utensil, and I glanced towards the clock while rolling my eyes. Craig would wake up at three in the afternoon.

        "Morning," I said sarcastically, with a smirk. His smile grew while I walked towards him, placing my things on the ground under where his feet dangled. The light from the afternoon still shined through the windows and reflected off of the glass bowl whlie he placed it on the counter next to him.

        "How was class?" he asked while I turned toward the sink to grab a cup he'd just washed. Before I could reach it, he was pulling me back by my wrist lightly. I shrugged, pouting at the thought. I was sick of going to class. I was so close to graduating, so close.

        "Exhilarating as always," I murmured softly, feet moving slowly to stand between his legs. He chuckled lightly, hand moving to brush my bangs out of my eyes. I looked at him, noticing the way he looked at me. His eyes averted to my mouth and back to my eyes before leaning in quickly, capturing my lips on his.

        My realtionship with Craig was..complicated. It always had been, thinking of it now. We were never really together, but we were never really apart. I think Craig respected my emotions, knowing how bad I was hurting in high school. I understood that he liked to see other girls, I never really complained as long as he came back to me. We found a strange and awkward balance where we were with one another when we wanted to be, but when we were apart we had two different lives. I guess people would call it an open relationship, but the term is easier said than done.

        I grinned against his mouth, leaning closer to him by standing on my toes. I liked Craig's smell, and I liked his kisses. In some ways, he reminded me of Zack. He was the nly guy that came close to what I had with him, the only one.

        I shook the thought from my mind, feeling Craig's fingers curl into my hair. He let out a breath against my mouth, bending closer to me the same was I was him. I couldn't breathe, and I didn't mind in this moment.

        I missed Craig lately, I honestly did. When he had his ten-minute girlfriends, they usually hated that he lived with me. They hated that there was another girl always in his life, and for the time he was with those girls, he would act like I didn't exist. That's what happened this last week, when he had the same girl over almost every night. She wasn't the meanest he's ever had, but she was tough to get along with while their time together lasted.

        Even if I wasn't completely comfortable with other girls in Craig's bed, it wasn't something I could complain about. Even if Craig and I were more than friends, I wasn't sure if a real relationshp with him was something I wanted. I just liked the way things were when we firt got back to being together; it's exciting, almost new. We always came back to each other somehow, so it never really mattered what happened in our time apart.

        "I don't want you to go away all summer," I said against his mouth, tasting the sugar from his breakfast. He didn't do anything but tense his knees, which held me still. I rested my hands on his thighs, nails moving in strange patterns over his jeans.

        "You'll be more than fine here, you have enough work to last you a lifetime," He laughed softly, pulling away from me. I backed away, letting him slide off the counter. I shrugged, running my fingers through my hair to meet his brown eyes.

        "Yeah, with you having the time of your life in Europe for three months."

        "Aw, Laur, don't be so grumpy," he teased, taking a step closer to me with his fingers sliding around my waist. I rolled my eyes at him, still not liking the idea of him being so far away. Even if we weren't together, he was still my best friend. I didn't like being that far away from my friends back home for the first few weeks, let alone three months without the person I'd been with for five years straight.

        "Sure," I looked up at him, feeling his fingers grip on my shirt lightly. I could see the greed in his eyes, hands turning my sides warm at the touch.

        "Why don't you skip studying tonight and spend it with me," he leaned closer to me, face digging into the side of my neck. His mouth was hot against my throat, causing my face to turn a shade of pink. I knew exactly what he was implying by the comment, something that we did often when he didn't have a girlfriend.

        Four years ago, when Craig and I really started to notice we had feelings for each other, we slept together. I didn't mean for it to happen, but I was grateful that I lost it to someone who meant something to me. It wasn't something I found myself regretting, either. I loved Craig; I loved him as a best friend and as my rescuer. It might not have been the same way that you love someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, but it was something, and that was enough for me.

        "We -- I need -- have a big test Thursday," I said stuttering with shallow breaths, mind distracted. Itw as difficult for me to focus with his mouth attached to my jaw this way. My nails dug into his shirt, pulling his body closer to mine. Even if we weren't madly in love, the tension we had was enough to make my brain explode.

        "You studied for that test last night," He excused the idea, scruff tickling my skin. He pulled away, eyes meeting mine. Before I could say anything, I was being lifted over his shoulder, vision blurring with the fast movements. My stomach was pressed to his shoulder, and I let out a loud cackle.

        "Craig!" I pounded on his back, unable to contain my laughter while he turned on his heel my vision was of his lower back, noticing the way his muscles showed through the thin white v-neck. "It's three in the afternoon!"

        "We need to fit three months' worth of sex into four days; we have our work cut out for us."

        I rolled my eyes, happy he didn't see the way my face turned hot at his choice of words. He was one of three guys that I knew talked about sex without an ounce of concern. The other two were Alex and Jack, remembering the way they used to embarrass Stella in high school about having sex with Alex, like it didn't even matter.

        I found myself thinking about Stella and Zack, wondering what they would think if they knew how much I'd changed since high school. Would they even believe that I, Lauren Baker, slept with a guy even after vowing that I wouldn't until I was married? Would they think I'm disgusting for doing it with a guy that I didn't even love? Would Zack think I'm a slut?

        My thoughts flew out of my brain when Craig tossed me off his shoulder and to a familiar bed with a black comforter draped over the top. His scent lingered on the sheets and engulfed me while he shut his door, turning towards me with a smile. I couldn't help myself from grinning back, licking my lips once when he approached me. His body lingered over mine, his hands holding him up over my body. He really was a beautiful looking guy.

        His dark brown hair was short, but I could see the natural curl it had. I liked the way he had facial hair that he kept, and his soft features. I could see the gaze in his chocolate irises, the way his shirt hung from his body. Even without the real love, there was lust. There was always lust between us, even when we were younger. The lust was enough for me; it was enough to keep me here.

        "Are you going to kiss me or what?" I asked, smirking up at him. He raised his eyebrows at me, giving me a smile back. Before I could say anything more, his lips locked with mine, feverishly moving.

        For the moment, this was enough.

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