Chapter 35: Inevitable

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        The car ride back to my apartment was much quieter than the ride to Stella's apartment had been. The only sound was the radio on low and muffled sounds from night traffic. I couldn't stop thinking about the tension between Rian and Kara. When Stella told me that they'd be fine, I assumed they'd be friendly towards one another, not just civil when they had to be. I hadn't wanted to pry, asking what had happened while I was in the kitchen with Kara and Stella, but I really wanted to know.

        I stopped outside my apartment door, turning to Zack who'd insisted on walking me all the way to my door.

        "What exactly happened with Rian and Kara?" I asked him, catching his gaze for a moment before turning back to my door to open it. Zack sighed behind me, and I could picture him running his hand through his hair as he thought of how to explain it to me.

        "I guess it's what happened to us, more or less," he started, following me into the room. I turned to the kitchen, looking for a glass of water as he shut the door, taking a few steps and leaning against the fridge. I asked him if he wanted anything, and he shook his head no before starting to explain.

        "We were touring, and we had a break before a show. Alex and Rian flew out to see Stella and Kara while they were at school, but when they came back, everybody knew something was different," he explained, eyes following me as i moved from one side of the kitchen to the other, cup in hand. I leaned over the sink slightly, running cold water.

        "He said it was just different that time, like they'd drifted apart and were on two different pages. By the end of the summer, Kara thought it would be better if they moved on."

        I leaned my back against the counter, watching him as I lifted my cup to my lips for a moment. "That's sad, I always thought they'd get married, like Stella and Alex," I admitted, setting the cup down. "Do you think there would ever be a chance of them getting back together?"

        Zack shrugged, pushing himself off the fridge, walking to me. "I think Rian's happy with Cassadee, but anybody who was at dinner tonight would think there was a second chance for them if they tried."

        He stood in front of me, hands on either side of me, resting on the edge of the counter. I looked up at him, unable to keep from smilng as his face was inches from mine.

        "I think they deserve a second chance. They were so good together, and it didn't seem to me that they were completely over each other. I think that's what brought on all the tension," I muttered, hands reaching up to trace the collar of his shirt.

        "Kind of like us?" he said, leaning closer so his face was centimeters from mine and I was fighting to focus on an answer.

        "Yeah, except I think we're a little luckier," I said softly, smiling at him. He smiled back, closing the distance between our mouths. I leaned my body back into his, my hands meeting on the back of his neck. His hands moved from the counter to my lower back, holding me there.

        If it weren't for the promise of morning classes tomorrow, I would have kept Zack here, but after a few minutes I pulled away, breathing heavily through my nose.

        "I still have classes tomorrow," I sighed, eyes open to his. He nodded, hands traveling from my back to my sides, fingers moving around the hem of my shirt. "So, I'll see you tomorrow? I'm working for a little bit after class, but I have nothing to do tomorrow night," I said, dropping my hands from his hair to his shoulders. He turned his hands, letting me fold my fingers between his.

        "Yeah, I can swing by after. We'll be recording most of tomorrow, and Stella might have us over again since Kara's in town, but we'll see what happens. I'll let you know when I can."

        "Okay," I said, pushing myself up onto my toes to push my lips against his quickly. He smiled and did the same, causing a light giggle to move past his lips as I returned to flat feet and looked up at his amused expression.

        "Seriously," I laughed, "I really need to go to bed so I can stay awake in class tomorrow."

        "I guess I wouldn't you want to fall asleep in class," he muttered, and pressed his lips to my forehead.

        "Bye Laur," he said softly, backing away as I let go of his hands so he could walk away freely. I crossed my arms loosely against my chest, watching him walk the short distance from where we were standing to the door, smiling softly as he turned to look at me quickly before disappearing behind the closed door.

        Seeing the tension between Rian and Kara had really stuck with me for the rest of the night, that could have been Zack and me. Things coul dhave gone so differently for us. He could have been furious at finding ut that I was here, not that I doubt he wasn't upset at first, knowing Stella hadn't told him, but that feeling hadn't lasted long. It could have lasted though, and he could still be mad for everything. For the rumors, the arguments, for me leaving.

        He wasn't. It was the past for him, and I was so unbelievably lucky that he was giving me a second chance, and if it wasn't for somebody's looming return at the end of the summer, everything could stay the way it was now.

        A picture of Craig and me tucked into the frame of my mirror, something Zack hopefully hadn't noticed, captured my attention as I searched for an elastic to keep my hair up. It had been taken during one of our together periods, at a party he'd persuaded me to go to. He had his arm around me, holding me close to his side. His other hand held a plastic cup, but that part was tucked away behind the frame, and all you could see was the two of us standing next to each other, my hand around his waist, smiling.

        Seeing it brought back the annoying pinching feeling in my chest, and everything else I tried not to think about when I was with Zack. It was becoming a lot easier not to think about Craig, or all the lies, but something always brought it back occasionally, and then I would worry.

        Craig was coming home, that was inevitable. What I was going to do when he got here, that was a whole different problem, one I didn't want to face, not now anyways. I wanted to enjoy the time I had with Zack and the feelings from high school that had resurfaced and grew so quickly since I saw him again.

        When Craig came back, I didn't want to end up like Rian and Kara or worse.

(3) Not the Same: An All Time Low Fanfiction RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora