Part Seven 7

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Jin's POV

I tried sleeping, but because of TaTa now I can't. Man come on now! I still have so many hours left till my classes. I groaned and just gave up on trying to get some sleep.

I got up and went straight into the bathroom; did my brush and now I'm about to shower, but-

*RiNg rInG*

Yh you guessed it right; my phone ranged. I quickly got out from the bathroom and grabbed my phone which was ringing loudly. It's Hobi.

"Yes, Hobi?"

Hobi: "Jinnie! Guess what!?"

"What? Suga woke up early?" I know this would never happen and if it happens then that's a miracle.

Hobi: "Noo! Be more realistic Jinnie!! Leave that aside and listen to me!!"

I had to remove my phone away from my ears otherwise I'll become deaf.

"Okay! Chill. Don't shout, I don't want to became deaf, Yh. So speak bit softly, okay?"

Hobi: "Yhh, listen. Have you got any invitation from Jeon's?"

"Jeon? I have heard that name before."

Hobi: "Do you know JJK Company?"

"Yh, them and us has same business."

Hobi: "Yh, it's them! Jeon JK Company!"

"Oh! I don't know. Maybe my dad knows, I'll ask him today. What invitation though?"

Hobi: "Their one and only son is taking over the company so they are celebrating. Their son is young he's only 23."

"Wow! So young. He must be handsome."

Hobi: "Yh he's handsome I know because I see him like every weekends."

"You do? How come? Do you know him?"

Hobi: "Of course! *laughs* He's my cousin. His dad is my mom's brother."

"What!? As long as I know I have met all your cousins. How come I don't know this cousin of your?"

Hobi: "You know him. You have met him at Jiminie's birthday. I'll tell you everything after and don't forget to ask uncle about the invitation. Byeeee Jinnie."

"Hob-." Before I can ask him anything he hang up.

Let me ask him at college. But now let me go and take quick shower.

I threw my phone on the bed and walked back into the bathroom.

After taking shower I was choosing which clothes I wear today.

"This is perfect." I wore black T-shirt with ripped black jeans and navy blue hooded bomber jacket. (The pic below shows what I'm talking about 😉)

I was about to go downstairs and phone ranged revealing TaTa

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I was about to go downstairs and phone ranged revealing TaTa.

"Hey! TaTa."

Tae: "Hyungie~"

"What my baby brother wants?"

Tae: "I want you hyung~"

"You want me? Why what happened?"

Tae: "Are you still home?"

"Yh, just about to go downstairs."

Tae: "Okay! Hyung meet us in canteen when you come to college and bring Hoseok and Yoongi hyung."

"Yh I will, but why? Is everything okay TaTa?"

Tae: "Yh hyung everything is okay, just meet us on canteen, Bye hyung Love you."

"Yh okay. Bye Love you too TaTa."

Maybe now I can go and have my breakfast.

I took my college bag which was laying on my sofa and head straight to the kitchen.

When I saw dad in the kitchen I was shocked because usually at this time he would be at company.

"Dad? Why are you here?"

"Oh Hey Jinnie. What do you mean by why am I here? Am I not allowed here?" Said dad and I can see that he got offended by my question.

"Dad, I meant why are you not at the work?"

"Oh it's because I left my important file at home so I had to come back." After finishing he took a sip of his coffee.

"Dad you're forgetting lots of things now days I guess you're getting old. You should not leave your important files at home dad, you might lose them. And dad have you got any invitation from Jeon's the JJK Company?"

Dad looked at me while raising his both eyebrows.

"I guess you're getting old too buddy." He said while smiling.

"I'm getting old? How?" I asked confusingly.

"Did you forgot that day when I told you and the little buddy that I got invitation from my best friend and you both have to come?"

"Yh I remembered tha- NO WAY! You were talking about Jeon's, dad?"

"Yh, he's the one, my childhood best friend and on that day we also becoming partners that's the reason you both buddies are coming." What! Why didn't he told us about this?

"Dad you should have told us, you know."

" I wanted to give my both pals a surprise. Get your coffee and sit down here."

As I was getting my coffee mom came and was shocked to see me.

"Are you okay, Mum?" I was bit concerned as why she's shocked.

"Why you so early? As long as I know your class starts at 11 and it's only 8:20."

"Oh! It's because of TaTa. He woke me up at 7:30 cuz he wanted something, but after that I couldn't sleep."

Dad just sat there looking at me and then at mom as we speak.

"Dad, you'll break your neck." I laughed at my own comment.

After finishing my coffee I bid goodbye to both mom and dad and them both kissed my forehead. I waved my hand saying bye and left the house.

Thank you so much for reading my book.
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I Purple You 💜💜

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