Part Two 2

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After promising Taehyung, Jin went to do his morning routine which was brushing his teeth and taking shower. After taking shower Jin went to his walk-in-closet and choosed any clothes that he sees first. After wearing clothes he looked into mirror. He wore cream colour t-shirt and black jeans which fits with his soft brown hair. He smilesd to himself before saying.

"I still look World Wide Handsome, man! Even though i chose clothes randomly."

Jin is walking downstairs while thinking of which excuse he will give to Taehyung's school principle. While he was walking he bumped into someone.

"Ouch! SeokJin are you okay?" The voice got him out of his deep thought and looked shocked after seeing who he just bumped into.

"Oh my! I'm sorry mom. I wan't looking where I was going."

"Sure you were not. Now free to tell me why weren't looking where you were going?" Kyung-Hu asked while rising her both eyebrows.

"I was actually thinking about my project which due today so nothing serious and also mom I'll be late because I'm going out with Hoseokie and Yoongie." Jin lied about the first part to his mother. He's actually going out with Hoseok at Yoongi place.

"Where you guys going? Don't go to club and also don't get drunk, you know what you did last time so tell me the place where you will be going and also do not turn off your phone and that's the warning SeokJin, because last time you nearly gave me hear-"

"Mom! I'm sorry for the last time, I won't do that again and also I'm going to Yoongie's place and i won't get drunk, okay? And most importantly i won't turn my phone off, hmm? so don't worry and relax. I'll be back at 9:00 pm okay?" Jin said while holding his mother's hands and when he finished he hugged her. Jin knows that she was concerned aboout him.

Flashback to the last time:

The last time he went to club to celebrate Hoseok's birthday party, but he forgot to tell his family member beacuase he was pulled by both Yoongi and Hoseok. Hoseok also turn off his mobile phone so when his mother and little brother tried to call him it didn't ringed. He spent his whole night at Hoseok's house so when he woke up and looked around he got panicked, but when he saw Yoongi sleeping on the couch and Hoseok sleeping on the floor, he got relieved and fall back on the bed, but after remembering that he didn't told any one at home, he panicked again and made his way to home.

When he reached home he saw his brother pacing back and forth while calling someone and his mother siting on the couch head down on her palm. She looked stress.

He went near his brother and tapped on his shoulder. When Taehyung looked behind he frozed where he was standing with wide eyes before shouting.

"Hyung!!" When Kyung-Hu heard his son shouting she looked up and started to cry.

Jin quickly ran to his stepmother and hugged her.

"What happened mom? Why are you crying? Did something happened TaTa?" Jin asked both his mother and brother, but the only thing he got was his mother's sobs and Taehyung's angry eyes.

"Where were you hyung?" Taehyung asked bit angrily and calmly.

"I-I was at Ho-Hoseokie's house. Why what happened?" Jin shutter after hearing Taehyung's deep voice and by the tone of his voice Jin knew something bad happened.

"Where is your phone?" Now Kyung-Hu stopped crying and hugged Jin so tightly before he can answer Teahyung.

Jin looked shocked but he still hugged her back. After breaking the hug, Mrs Kim cupped Jin face and kissed Jin's forehead multiple time.

"What's wrong mom?" Jin asked confused.

"I was so worried about you, do you know that? At least you should have told me that you were going to Hoseok's house. My heart was hurting badly". Said Kyung-Hu while looking at Jin with tears in her eyes.

"Since yesturday we were looking for you. When I came back home mom told me that you were still not home so i thought you has an extra class, but when it got late we called at your college and asked if they had any extra classes, but they said they didn't had any extra classes today.

So i called you, but your phone was switched off and i also tried calling your all friends including Hoseok hyung and Yoongi hyung but their phones were turned off as well. Mom didn't ate anything and i tried calling you so many times but nothing. I was about to call police, but thankfully you arrived. Mom told me to call police yesturday, but i told her that maybe you were with your friends and I guess I was right."

Jin felt guilty for not telling his mom and brother.

"I'm sorry, yesturday was Hoseokie's birthday and he wanted to celebrate. He dragged me with him into the club. I told him that let me call mom or TaTa so they'll know where am i, but Hoseok thought that i was making excuse so took my phone turned off. Then i serously forgot about that and got drunk so i was not in my right state of my mind and i guess Yoongi took me and Hoseok to his house. I'm so sorry, it wont happened again." Jin said as his eyes got teary. He didn't meant to hurt both his mother and brother.

"If you want my forgiveness then buy me a Gucci suit." Taehyung with a small smile on him. After hearing that Jin's tear eventually got away and he smiled. He looked at his mother asking for the answer. Kyung-Hu smiled before saying.

"I'll forgive you this time, but if that happened again i won't talk to you ever again" Jin quickly hugged his mother before saying that it won't happen again.

After all of them got fresh, they all came to the dining table for breakfast which was made by Kyung-Hu by herself because there were not maids since Kyung-Hu didn't wanted any.

Taehyung sat on the right side of the table and Jin sat beside Taehyung, while Kyung-Hu sat in fornt of both of them.

When they finished eating thier breakfast Kyung-Hu made an announcent saying that Mr Kim is coming back after a week since he was in Japan for his business work, which made both Jin and Taehyung smile widely and they both hugged each other excitedly. After seeing that Mrs Kim smiled at both of her sons.

Flashback Ends.

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