"Thank...you...Orion..." Ioa murmured as she powered down, a smile plastered on her face as she went into a peaceful recharge. Optimus said nothing as he watched her fall into stasis, observing the femme's frame. With a heavy sigh, Optimus laid the tired femme onto his berth and tucked her in.

"Rest well, Ioa..." Optimus whispered, sitting by the edge of the berth. Unbeknownst to Ioa, Optimus was also struggling with his own demons.

 His Matrix of Leadership, processors and his spark were having an internal battle, a war against emotions and rationality. His processors and the Matrix were screaming to purge the thought of furthering this relationship, but his spark said otherwise.

It was a fierce battle and Optimus was falling too hard to get up now. The Prime looked at Ioa before asking to no one.

"What have you done to me, young one?" Optimus questioned, knowing he was not going to get any reply from the recharging femme. His optics potrayed his emotions, a storm brewing within him as his mind and soul were waging war against one another.

Oh, how the femme brought the worst and best out of him. He never had a problem masking up his emotions with his team, not until this femme medic came. Ioa made him feel like his old self, carefree and relaxed. 

For Primus's sake, he was losing his mind to this femme. But in all honesty, the Prime did not care at all.

If Optimus was with the rest of the Primes, they would have condemned him and sent him to the gallows for execution. How could he, a Prime and the leader of the Autobot faction, fall for Ioa? Everything screamed wrong and yet, it felt right to him.

Oh, how Ioa got the last the of the Primes on his knees, begging for mercy at the eyes of their creators.

'Primus, why does it feel so wrong yet so right? You got me wrapped around your digits, Ioa. But if this is how it's going to be, then so be it. I'll gladly be the fool to your whims and fancies, my dear Ioa.' Optimus thought to himself as he clutched his chassis, his pulsing spark relentless.

Sparing the sleeping femme another glance, the Prime winced and recoiled from her as the Matrix flared up in denial. The legendary relic was trying to limit his emotions, sucking in the impractical feelings to revert him back to his Prime like state; stoic, wise and emotionally stable. The Matrix was warning him to drop the act and leave this mess before it got worse.

But how could he? The mech was already in too deep without him realising. Looking down on his chassis, he spoke to the relic.

"I don't think I can mask my emotions any longer on Ioa anymore. Primus, what have I turn out to be?" Optimus said softly, hoping the relic would guide him. He knew the risk, yet he felt like gambling.

Somehow, Optimus could feel the relic disagreeing with him, as if nagging at him to snap out of this and end this nonsense.

"I know the consequences if I continue down this path, but I can't help but subject myself to these emotions. I've fought eons for the peace and equality of my world, gaining comrades and losing them, using the will of Prime to guide me and lead the team against the Decepticons." Optimus said, his optics dimmed at the thought of all his fallen comrades.

"But Ioa is different. She means the world to me, and I don't want to lose her... not again." Optimus steeled his resolve, clenching his servo on his chassis.

The Matrix stopped its attack on him, pulsing normally as if its in deep thought. The relic glowed a soft hue of blue before dying down. Optimus pondered about it before looking over at Ioa. All of his worries and doubt ebbed away as the poetic mech stared at the femme he was oh-so infatuated about.

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