Chapter 22

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Emma POV

"What are you doing?" The man hissed.

One of his friends had come forward with a pocket knife and was about to break Billy's zip tie.

"I'm untying him. You said we were going to let them go."

"Are you fucking retarded? I only said that so Hazel wouldn't try anything." The man had now brought out a huge knife that had been hidden behind his back.

He walked over to Billy first. I tried to scream against the cloth, but it didn't do much. Billy stared from where he laid, his eyes wide and focused on the knife in the man's hand. The man grabbed Billy by his arm and picked him up into a sitting position. He then knelt down in front of Billy and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Billy." A flash of confusion crossed Billy's face at the sound of his name. The man ignored it and continued. "But I won't be needing your assistance anymore."

Not only did more confusion get added to Billy's face, but I also stared at the man with my eyebrows furrowed. What did he mean by that? Was Billy really actually not as innocent as he seemed? Was this all an act?

Even though I questioned Billy's alliance, I still screamed out as I watched the man imbed the knife into Billy's chest. Billy screamed out in pain, which cut off when the man twisted it a certain way, puncturing his heart. Tears fell from my eyes at the sight of Billy's still body. I know he might have been bad, but he was so young.

The man took the knife out and then stood up, his dark clothes were now covered in Billy's blood. He walked over to Kyle next.

I could see the sweat roll down the back of Kyle's neck as the man came to Kyle. Kyle's fear mirrored mine, or I mirrored his, at the truth of what was going to happen to us. Our death was inevitable.

The man brought the bloody knife against Kyle's neck. He pressed down and slid the knife across. Through the cloth, I heard Kyle make a gurgling noise before slumping over to the side and bleeding out onto the unfinished floor.

My tears were now soaking through the cloth to the point where I could almost taste the saltiness of them. The man walked over and knelt down in front of me, still with the bloody knife in his hand.

"It's ok. Don't cry." He said as he thrusted the knife into my abdomen.

I had felt pain before, but this seemed way different. I was in too much pain to let out a scream. Instead I fell over, growing tired. I wanted to go so badly, anything would be better than this. My vision was blurring and I could tell my heart was slowing. The pain was s

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