Chapter 14

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Hazel POV

Knock, knock

Nex opened the bathroom door, soon after the two light thumps. "You done?"

"Yes." I said, with my clothes wrapped inside the damp towel. "What do you want me to do with these?"

"I'll take them." I handed him the ball while he looked me up and down. "They're a bit big. I'll go out and get you some clothes that would fit you better when I know that you won't go out and hurt yourself."

I looked down at the clothes. "Ok."

"I'll go deal with these." He held up the bundle. "You go back to your room and eat the porridge. I heated it up for you, so don't worry."

I nodded my head and watched him head downstairs, and then did as I was told. My room was changed up a bit. The bed now had clean sheets and the restraints had been removed. The glass cup was filled with water again, and I could see the steam float up from the bowl of porridge.

I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed the warm bowl off the bedside table, and placed it in my lap. The sun wasn't shining through the window today and the window had been open up a crack all night, so now it was kind of cold in here. Having my hands wrapped around the bowl felt so good, making a shiver run up my body.

I took the spoon out of the bowl and placed a bit of the porridge into my mouth. It definitely tasted better than the last time I had it. I then realized that I literally had this stuff yesterday, but that felt so long ago. I took another mouthful and savored the flavor. I had absolutely no idea what Nex put into it, but it tasted really good. Sugar maybe?

I ate the entire bowl and drank a bit of the water, until Nex came walking into the room carrying a dark blue blanket.

"I brought you this." He said, handing me the blanket. "Just in case you get cold. Do you want me to close the window? It is sort of cool in here." He observed.

"Yeah." I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and watched him close the window. "What time is it?"

"Around twelve thirty." He sat down next to me.

Then something caught my eye. Peeking out from the sleeve of his grey sweater was some white fabric, gauze.

I looked up to him and raised my eyebrow. "Are you hurt?"

He tugged his sleeve down the best he could and looked away from the questioning look on my face. "It's nothing. I just..."

I sat and watched him try to come up with some excuse, but then just spoke up. "You don't have to lie to me. What happened? Did one of the guys attack you?"

Nex's eyes were looking downward at his hands, hiding behind his thick, dark lashes. "No. No one attacked me." He then looked right into my eyes. "I never want you to be hurt, especially by me. So I punished myself. Each time I hurt you, I hurt myself."

My mouth opened slightly from shock. This guy hurt himself for me?

"I cut myself twice after mending to your wound. I didn't like the way you screamed, it pained me. I then cut another one for each time I had to restrain you to the bed." With his finger he lightly traced each of the cuts that must have run across his forearm.

"Why?" I whispered.

"I'm nothing like my brother. He was a terrible person... and brother."

I thought of Black ski mask and how he had murdered so many people, and how he had abused Billy, and attempted to rape me. Had Black ski mask hurt Nex as well? Was Nex glad his brother was dead? Is that why he's being so nice to me? Because I killed the person he feared?

"I'm so sorry Hazel."

I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to reach out a hand or... do something to reassure him. I didn't think, I just leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him. He seemed a bit off guard, but then I felt his arms wrap around me.

When I sat back, I gave him a smile. "It's ok. Thank you for saving me." 

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