Chapter 6

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Emma POV

"Mmm. This is really good, Mr. Walker."

"I'm glad you like it Kyle."

Kyle, Billy, and I had spent the whole day in my room, plotting. We took a map of the town and spread it out on my bed. I showed Kyle the area I had covered on my own, and then we both marked the part we were going to walk tomorrow.

"Do you think she's still with them?" Kyle had asked.

"I'm not sure, I just hope she's still alive." I responded.

The day seemed to go very quickly, and soon enough, my father called up to us for dinner. Mom was already at the table when we got there, and still wearing her nurse clothes. Dinner was pretty quiet, like most nights. Only this time, Kyle and my father were trying to make small talk.

"So Kyle, are you still in school?"

"Of course." Kyle responded, after swallowing a huge bite of spaghetti. "My school has just given me a small break."

"Emma is also having a break."

I looked away from them and down at my food. I had only eaten a few small bites, and now I was just moving it all around with my fork. Ever since I got home, I haven't been able to eat too much. Every time I eat, it just reminds me of all the blood and flesh that had littered the basements floors and walls.

The rest of dinner went by, with me just blocking everyone out. When my father got up, I looked around the table and saw that everyone was done. I got up and grabbed both my plate and Billy's empty plate and placed them next to the sink, for my father to wash.

Billy has adapted very well to the hole in his left cheek. He's learned to eat on the right side of his mouth, so the food wouldn't fall out the left.

Ding dong.

"I'll get it." I said, while walking towards the front door.

Kyle came up behind me. "No, it's fine. It's my mom. I'll see you tomorrow." He walked right by me, and then turned sharply back to me. "Remember, get sleep tonight and I'll meet you outside tomorrow at ten. Ok?"

I nodded my head. "Ok."

I turned around and walked with Billy up the stairs.

"It's really not fair." He said, once at the door to his room.

"What's not fair?" I asked, even though I already knew what he was going to say.

"You guys get to go out, but I don't. What if you guys need help?"

"Kyle and I can take care of ourselves." I then said the first thing that came to my head. "You need to stay here and look after mom and dad."

He stood there contemplating something. When he finally came to a conclusion, he said, "ok, fine. I'll stay here."

I smiled down at him. "Goodnight."

He didn't meet my eyes when he said it back. He opened up his door and then walked in and closed it behind him. I sighed and then walked into the safety of my room.

Once my door was closed, I took the elastic out of my hair and flopped onto my bed, and fell asleep almost right away. 

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