Chapter 5

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Hazel POV

It took me forever to fall asleep. My whole body ached and I couldn't get into a comfortable position, no matter which way I turned. I did end up falling asleep, but not for very long.

I woke up when I heard the key unlock the door, and I quickly opened my eyes against the bright light of the sun shining through the window. Black ski mask's brother opened the door and I saw him walk in, carrying a bowl. He had a huge smile plastered to his face when he saw that I was awake.

He placed the bowl down on the table next to the bed and then sat down next to me, like he did last night. I glared up at him, hoping that my expression showed how much I hated the bastard.

"I brought you breakfast." He said and motioned to the bowl with his eyes.

I took a glance into the bowl to see that it was porridge, but a very mushy and watered down kind. It looked absolutely revolting, but I was so hungry. I had no idea how long I had been out when I got knocked out.

I scowled back up at him. "I'm not hungry."

He raised one of his dark eyebrows. "You're not hungry?" He stared at me for a moment, with his eyebrow still raised and then let out a chuckle. "Your stomach says otherwise."

I cursed my stomach in my head for betraying me. "I'm not eating that."

He reached over and picked up the bowl. "Why not?" He then took the spoon and picked up a glop of it and tilted it, so the grey substance slid right off into the bowl. "I know it doesn't look the best, but you need to eat something."

"Fuck you."

He didn't get mad, he just stared at me and then picked up some porridge with the spoon and put it near my mouth. I pressed my lips together and waited. He sighed and then dropped the spoon back into the bowl.

"Fine, don't eat then." He placed the bowl on the table again. "I won't leave until you have at least three bites, and it tastes absolutely awful when it's cold."

I looked at the bowl, and then him, and then towards the window. "Where am I?"

"My house."

I looked back at him. "Where is that?"

"In the middle of the woods, like my brother's house was."

I scowled at him. I could see the trees peaking through the window.

"You said you saved me." I looked at the restraints that were wrapped around my ankles and wrists. "This doesn't seem like I got saved."

He looked slightly confused. "They were going to kill you."

"So you brought me here to torture me?"

"This is far from torture." He looked at the place over my heart. "I cauterized and stitched up your wound." He then looked over at the bowl. "I even brought you something to eat. This place is not a torture house."

"Then why am I bound to the bed?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's for your protection. As soon as you're all healed up, and I know you won't try to run, I'll untie you."

"I won't run." I lied.

He chuckled and then reached for the bowl again. "Are you ready to eat now?"

I looked at the contents in the bowl and my stomach let out another growl. If I was to get out of here, I was going to have to have energy to do it. I opened my mouth and he smiled at me as he put a spoonful into my mouth. It wasn't the best porridge I'd had, but I was too hungry to complain anymore.

"See that wasn't so bad." He said, once I finished the entire bowl.

He placed the empty bowl down on the table, and just stared down at me.

After a moment of this, he got up and picked the bowl back up. "I'll come and check on you in a little bit." He turned towards the door.

"Wait." He looked back at me. "Please, untie me. Please."

He looked at me apologetically and repeated himself. "I'll check on you in a little bit." He turned again, but this time didn't stop to answer my plea's.  

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