Chapter 15

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Hazel POV

After our little conversation Nex had left the room, taking the empty bowl with him, and leaving me to get some rest. I hadn't gotten the best sleep last night, and what I did completely drained me.

I stretched out on the bed and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing. My chest still ached from the stab, but Nex had done a very good job stitching it up. It was healing quickly.

My breaths slowed, sleep dragging me down into darkness.

* * *

I woke and let out a yawn as I sat up. It was slightly darker in the room, I had no idea how long I slept for, but Nex definitely came and checked on me. My glass was completely filled up again. I took a sip from the glass before getting up and walking over to the door. Sure enough, when I got there the door was locked.

I let out a huff and then walked over to the window for the first time. All I could see were trees. The dark green of their leaves, clinging to the swaying of the branches from the breeze. (A.N. I didn't mean for it to rhyme. I should totally become a poet lmao)

I turned around suddenly at the sound of the key turning the lock and then Nex walked in carrying a decent sized bag.

"You're not going to jump are you?" He asked, throwing the bag onto the bed.

"No. I was just looking." I then looked at the bag and pointed. "What's that?"

He unzipped the bag as I took a few steps forward to get a look. "I went out to get some clothes and... other things."

I pulled the bag open wider and looked inside. There were clothes that looked like they would fit me better than what I was in, and I also saw - thankfully - a hairbrush and toothbrush. Underneath everything I also saw 'lady products'.

I closed up the bag and looked at Nex, who looked very uncomfortable. "Thank you. Can I use the bathroom?"

"Of course."

I picked up the bag and walked to the bathroom, Nex following closely behind.

"I'll be a little longer than five minutes." I said to him after dropping the bag on the bathroom floor.

"I know." He then closed the door, leaving me in privacy.

I opened the bag again and took out the toothbrush and toothpaste first. My mouth smelt so bad after I vomited earlier and then I had just slept, which made the smell way worse. After brushing my teeth for a solid three minutes, I used the hairbrush to detangle the mess that was my hair. It took quite a bit of frustrated yanks, but in the end I got it nice and brushed through.

I then decided to get changed. I kind of liked the bagginess of Nex's shirt, so I kept that on and changed out of his sweatpants and into some soft pajama shorts.

Once satisfied, I opened the bathroom door to see Nex leaning against the wall. He moved forward and I saw his dark eyes trail down my bare legs. Maybe wearing the shorts was a bad idea, I thought. But then Nex quickly composed himself and took the sweatpants from me and gave me a smile.

"Come." He walked back into my room, I followed behind him carrying the bag over my shoulder. Once in the room and once I threw the bag on the ground next to the bed, he spoke up again. "Let's go make some dinner. It's about that time."

"What time is it?" I asked as we walked out of my room.

"'Round seven. You slept for quite a while." We then stopped in front of the door to his room. "Stay right here. Don't move."

I nodded my head and watched him slip through his door. He returned not too long after, without the sweatpants. We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I immediately looked at the basement door, nothing seemed different. You couldn't even tell that there were bodies down there.

Nex gestured for me to sit at one of the wooden stools next to the island that was in the center of the kitchen.

He walked to the other side of the island and watched me sit down, before speaking up. "What do you want?"

"What do you have?"

"Um, well. We have toast, porridge, cereal."

"What kind of cereal?"

He turned towards the cupboard and opened it before replying. "Cheerios."

"I'll have some of that."

He returned the smile that I gave him and took the Cheerios off the shelf. I watched him as he got the milk and bowls out, and then my eyes landed on the knife block that I saw earlier. 

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