Fairytales at Bayside

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Fairytales at Bayside

Scene goes to classroom where the kids are in class waiting for it to end


One of my favorite parts of class is the end, the only time when the bell rings, you leave and go home.


I wish class was over, I can't wait for my date with D.C, he has something special planned.


Oh, exciting meanwhile all I have is another night at home, alone reading my books.

Mrs. Johnson

Alright kids, four minutes till class ends, now I want you to know that your essays are due....

The loud speaker goes off

Lady on the loudspeaker

Attention students of Bayside, the environment club is having a protest, to change our school earth killing lifestyle, and decide to block off all the school existing, so until we get them to stand down, no one is going anywhere.

The students

What no.


They can't do this, this is not legal right.

Mrs. Johnson

Alright, looks like we're stuck here, so how about we read some stories or something.

She looks for a book

Mrs. Johnson

Ok fairytales.

The students mone

Mrs. Johnson

You think I wanna be here too. Ok the first story is Cinderella.

Soon Ashley dose off and falls asleep

In Ashley's dream Ashley has become a modern Cinderella "Ashlyella"

She is in her room studying when her mom comes in

Jessie(as the mother)

Ashlyella are you done with your studies.

Ashley(as Cinderella)

Yes mother, I'm done with my studies.

Jessie(as the mother)

Good now you have to study for your practice SAT test tomorrow.

Ashley(as Cinderella)

But mother, all I do is study.

Steven comes in

Steven(the step brother)

Guys, King Slater is having a party for his son. The whole town's invited to the party at the King Max restaurant.

Ashley(as Cinderella)

Price D.C Charming.

Jessie(as the mother)

I'm sorry honey, but no party studies and college.

Ashley(as Cinderella)

But mother, it's not every day the prince has a party, I really wanna go.

Jessie(the mother)

No, you're not going to the prince's party.

She soon leaves

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