UCW No Way Out Promo

Start from the beginning

"And if you wanna get out of here, wanna get out here. Save yourself, but you'll never get anywhere. Never get anywhere. Not without my help."

*We just see Gatomon saying that after tonight, she's getting a title match against Asuna and another shot at FINALLY recieving the best of Asuna and doing the same to her.*

"Say it with me, i'm alive (x2). When you're dead inside, i'm a slap in the face to your lullaby. Got you all tongue-tied 'cause you're living a lie, my friend. Say it with me"

*The show ends with Asuna and Sonya staring down at each other (with Asuna having a cocky, yet concerned due to Gatomon still being around, look on her face and Sonya being serious as always) before Asuna leaves as she sees Gatomon starting to move as the crowd cheers on the background for what's to come down the line.*

"I'm alive (x2). When you're dead inside, i'm your wake up call and you know i'm right. So make a move, let it bleed, tear your heart off your sleeve. But i'm the one who's gonna save your life, the one who's gonna save your life, the one who's gonna---"

*We see Asuna saying that she's thankful to Sonya for keeping Gatomon away from her title and all....but that not even giving a gift to the best the Women's Division has to offer will make her not go all out to keep her title. After all, she knows that unless something miraculously happens, there's no way Sonya is leaving with the title since as good as she may be...she's not facing someone like Daisy who plays to the fans, she's facing someone who plays to herself and come Money Above All, she'll retain her title.*

"I'm alive (x2). When you're dead inside, i'm a slap to the face of your lullaby. Got you all tongue-tied 'cause you're living a lie, my friend. Say it with me."

*Backstage, we just see Gstomon saying "i've got an idea" and then leaving with a normal smile that under othee circumstsnces wouldn't be that scary...but this being Gatomon, who knows what she has planned so tbe smile had an eerie feel to it.*

"I'm alive (x2). When you're dead inside i'm your wake up call and you know i'm right. So make a move, let it bleed, tear your heart off your sleeve. But i'm the only one who's gonna save your life, i'm the one who's gonna save your life (x4)"

*UCW Women's Championship: Asuna (c) with Lisbeth vs Sonya Blade with Cassandra Cage: The story of the match was how Cassandra helped Sonya WAY more times than needed as in to spite Asuna who told she was never up to the task. Btw this was necesary since at some points, without Asuna asking for it, Lisbeth tried to help her but Cassandra was there to stop her. The match was still back and forth since Asuna was still good in the ring like in the past, even if she had met someone who could match her up thanks to the strength coming into play in Sonya. In the end, we saw Gatomon jump on the apron which immediately froze Asuna in place due to fear and then she looked at her and told her to not go after Lisbeth. This opened a chance for Sonya (who due to being 100% focused on the match ignored Gatomon and Asuna's little interaction) to connect the Militar Press Slam and then cover Asuna for the clean victory. After the match, we see Gatomon leaving with a smile as Lisbeth just stares at her before going to check on Asuna. Meanwhile, Cassandra told Asuna "Was i up to the task or not?." before lifting Sonya's hand in the air as she kissed the title and then put it on her shoulder and did a militar salute to the cheers from the crowd.*

"The music (now "Simple Things" by Trying Times) turns instrumental"

Lisbeth: Asuna is kicking Gatomon's *** and ending this issue once and for all because she's the best this division has and Gatomon has a fully focused Asuna compared to last time to deal eith so she'll get what she wants...even if it is a bad idea from her part.

Ruby: Honestly, i can't comment on this since i was the first victim of paraoniac Asuna but i have to say that even if Gatomon isn't on the right, i'm blaming Asuna for being like she was against me because rather than moving on and focusing on her title reign, she became what she has been this entire time. And before you start, are you doing a pity party?, no i'm not because i can actually take a situation well and not become paranoid like Asuna.

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