Chapter 38- Unwanted Disneyland Trip

Start from the beginning

I groaned, annoyed with his childish behavior already and entered his car.

"How do you even have a car?" I wondered as I thought about the fact that he isn't from Paris but from somewhere in Spain.

"Drove here." He shrugged but the ghost of a smile played on his lips as he focused on the road.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked, since I never told him that I want to go to the museum.

"Disneyland." He chuckled happily as I frowned.

"Stop the car. I'm not going there. It reminds me too much of..." I mumbled as a trail of sadness made it's way back to my heart.

"I'm taking you there so you can see that you don't need him to have fun, you have friends." I was taken aback by the fact that he would want to help. Well....he was the one that was there for me yesterday night.

"I don't want to be there." He sighed but gave me a comforting smile that made me feel safe and happy for some time.

"My dad's gonna be there for a shooting and Sky said she will come too so we're going. Today is all about you being happy." His words made my smile though my hear was still screaming and struggling.

"So you were going to be there anyway?" I wondered as Seb nodded.

"Yah, so, don't worry, we're going to have fun." With that being said he pressed the accelerator and we sped up into the empty streets of Paris.


"It was a fucking mistake!" I screamed as Skylar pushed me away from the doorway.

"Let me see her. For fuck's sake let me see her Skylar." I yelled but she didn't budge. Somehow Sebastian disappeared from my side and I was left alone with Emma's crazy bestfriend.

"Respect her wishes. She doesn't want to see you right now. You did enough already. Leave her alone. She needs some space." She explained but all I could see was red. She doesn't want to see me? I know I made a bloody mistake but I'm trying to fix it and she won't let me fix this? Bullshit.

"Get out of my way or I will fucking take this door down." I growled through gritted teeth and maybe it was the eyes or the fact that I looked like I was about to punch someone what made her open the door.

It was empty. There was no one there. I was mortified. I wanted to scream and beg her to come back to me. Suddenly cold air brushed the back off my neck. The window.

Skylar was faster than me at acknowledging what had happened but it was too late. She was already on the ladder.

I ran as fast as I could so I could catch her if she falls but when I got in front of the hotel, she was gone. The only thing that remained in the air was her chocolate scented parfum.

She was gone.



"Are we there yet?" Whined Emma for the fifth time during this ride as I laughed and shook my head.

"Not yet, gatita." Once again she banged her head against the window and groaned. Well, I had to take her with me. I couldn't just let her get lost in Paris and, she's my friend and in these 2 days she has thought me that sometimes being 'the good guy' can really ruin you, or, in this case, Emma.

"Are we there yet?" This girl might be crazy but she's a nice person so I'm not going to let some asshole play with her like Adam did.

"Not yet sugar but, soon."

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