Chapter 15: Necessary Confessions and Bloodshed

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(Normal POV)

It was pitch dark and Sasha's group was able to reunite with everyone else. Mikasa, Armin, and Connie had their own carriage stocked with ODM gear, Gas and Thunder Spears. Magath and Pieck were able to make a truce with Hange and a severly injured Levi. They were able to get Jean, Yelena, and Onyankopon away from the Jeagerists. They are currently stopping due to the lack of rest and both sides glare at each other.

"Can I get some help from anyone who doesn't want to stare down at each other?" Hange asked while she was cooking.

"It's stange. To think think that we'd all be sitting together sharing a meal together after we spend the past four years trying to kill each other." Magath stated. "So what changed your mind? You would be getting what you desired if you let Eren Jeager go. A greater Paradise for you island devils. We were so close to preventing Eren and Zeke from coming into contact. If you haven't intervened."

"Like I explained General. No one wants genocide. We wouldn't be here in the forest laying low making stew."

"Looks like someone has a sense of justice for once."

Jean can no longer stay quiet after hearing Magath's statement. "Justice? Were you just talking about justice? You?!" He was getting more angry. "So we're the villains for fighting off the titans Marley kept sending to our island for 100 years?! Understand that we have fought as hard as we because we didn't want to be eaten alive by the monster you kept sending!! And you're sitting there saying that surviving is something we "Devils" do?!"

"Yeah... You sure are acting like devils to me. Everything that Marley predicted about Paradis is about to come true, and now you're plotting to destroy everything outside your island. This is what all your hard fought battles have come to. Is is not?"

"Listen!. If his mother wasn't eaten alive when Wall Maria fell, Eren wouldn't be on this bloodlust mission! You're the ones who backed him into using the Rumbling, aren't you?!"

"So now you're interested in history? At least remember that Eldia was the first to devistate Marley, spill blood, and make it's people suffer."

"How long are you gonna act innocent over something that happened two thousand years ago?!"

"How long are you gonna act like a child? Do you think bull shit holds water in the face of real history?"

"Keep talking like that, and I'm gonna-"

"That's enough." Hange interrupted. "No one wants to hear you two bicker about what happened two thousand years ago. Jean. General Magath is baffled by our goals and existance. The same existance of these island devils that are sacrificing their future to save to world that has tried to destroy this very island. We've lived in enemy territory for a few months. There's no going back to being ignorant island devils."

"Even if it means killing him?" Annie asked curiously hoping for a solution.

"What?" Armin questioned.

"Can you kill Eren?"

Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, and Sasha stare down at Annie after hearing her answer.

"Killing Eren is our only option." Mikasa said.

"I'd figure you'd say that. Then what? Are you actually going to convince him? Is the kind of person who tries to commit genocide really gonna have a mind you can easily change?"

"We don't know." Armin answered. "Not until we talk to Eren."

"Okay. Let's say you're able to speak with him. What are you going to do if he still goes through with his mass murder plan? Shouldn't we at least have a last resort in mind?" Mikasa and Armin didn't answer. "I figured. If we try and kill Eren to protect our familes and friends, you'll fight us all in order to protect him. Am I right Mikasa? Because I doubt that you even considered anything more important then Eren."

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