Chapter 12: Battle of Shiganshina

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(Normal POV)

As the steam cleared, everyone saw Falco in his titan form.

"So, this is your Titan form? Impressive Falco." Eren said. " And now your third power is revealed."

Falco's titan appears 16 meters high with a beak like jaw, claws, talon like feet, hair reaching his collarbone, and armor covering his body. Gabi was in complete shock at her love's appearance, but was wraped behind Pieck as she used her body to shield the young girl.

"Well Falco, if this is where you stand then you'll be..."

Eren felt a rumble underneath him as Galliard transformed into his Jaw Titan and ambushed him trying to eat him. But, Eren's legs were bitten off, causing him to transformed. But Galliard was able to protect Pieck and Gabi.

"I figured this wasn't gonna be easy!" Pieck said. "But Falco did catch him off guard for a few seconds!"

"Pieck!" Gabi said. "You aren't a traitor?!"

"Gabi, did you really think I would sell out my friends?"

"But you said we Eldians wouldn't have a future evn if we serve Marley!"

"Just look up!"

Gabi was looking up and saw five Marley airships hovering over the city.

"I don't trust Marley. I hope that Eldians will be free one day. But I do trust the people who have fought beside me."

In the lead airship, Magath notice the transformation.

"Smoke Signal's gone up. Pieck and Galliard lured the bastard out into the open! It's the Founding Titan!"

Marley soldiers notice Falco's titan and felt on alert.

"General! There's an unidentified titan in front of the Founding! Who the hell is that?!"

"Calm down! That's the power of the Special Blood. It's Falco Grice."

Colt and Reiner look at the new titan.

"That's Falco?!" Colt asked in shock.

"It is." Magath replied. "Lord Tybur and I saw his first transformation. And it was enough proof to make him a Warrior."

Back on the Shiganshina HQ, Eren stared towards Falco to intimidate him, but failed. Pieck remembered that she was cuffed to Gabi.

"Porco" she yelled towards her friend. Galliard slashed at Pieck's right arm and slashed her right hand off. Pieck jumped off to shift into her Cart Titan. Galliard retreated into the city while Pieck returned to get Gabi away from the battlefield. They both look at Falco who nodded and they escaped.

Eren looked at Falco again who was ready to fight, but then they heard Yelena's voice

"Eren! If you can hear me, please come out of you titan body! You need to retreat back indoors and use the Warhammer to escape. You can't win this fight!"

"She's right Eren." Falco said. "Your defeat is inevitable."

Eren then fell for Falco's taunt and lunged at him. Falco however was able to grab Eren from under his arms and lunge himself and Eren off the HQ into the streets. Eren got his footing and lifted Falco up and threw him straight. As Falco got back up, he saw Eren create a spear which he threw at the boy. Falco couldn't react in time. Just as the spear got in front of him, a heavy object landed on the spear breaking it. The dust cleared to see the Armored Titan.


The Armored offered Falco his hand and Falco grabbed it and got back up. Now it was Falco and Reiner facing off against Eren. "Reiner, Thank you for coming to save us." Reiner nodded as the Attack Titan lunged towards the two Warriors.

Meanwhile Pieck and Gabi were running to where a large machine was being parachuted. They were able to rendezvous with Magath and Colt.

"Commander Magath! I'm sorry. We couldn't get him in time." Pieck said.

Gabi got out of the Cart Titan's mouth only to meet up with Magath in front of her and was brirfly hugged by him and then scolded.

"I'll take responsibility later Commander." Gabi said. "But Falco and Reiner could be in danger."

"What do mean by that?" Magath felt confused.

"All of the soldiers in their HQ have digested Zeke's spinal fluids."

"When Galliard and I snuck into their headquarters, so much of their military were locked up and had clothes wrapped on their left arms." Pieck said.

"Do we think that they can use Founding Titan?" Magath wondered.

"I don't know. I'm certain that the Founding Titan is their trump card. If they haven't used it yet, then it must mean Eren can't use it right now."

"What condition does he need to use it?

"He needs Zeke." Gabi said. Magath and Colt felt confused from what she said. "Zeke said that they have The Founding Titan and a titan of royal blood when they were retreating."

"Are you saying Zeke is a titan of royal blood?" Colt asked.

"His parents were part of the Restorations. So it's possible..." Magath stated.

"If there's some unique power that allows him control over  pure titans, then he's telling the truth." Pieck said. "And if Zeke's absence is the reason Eren can't use the Founding's power, then we mustn't let Eren and Zeke come into contact."

"Colt, take Gabi and find a safe place to hide!" Magath ordered as he was climbing up to an artillary cannon. "Pieck and I will get to a high vantage point and cripple that monster! We'll do more than buy time by killing the Founding. We'll save the world by eating him here and now! Putting an end to years of hostility."

Back on the main roads, Eren still holds his own against Reiner and Falco by keeping one down while fighting the other. Reiner was damaged so much that his jaw was hanging from one hinge. Falco's armor was fractured and cracked. Galliard circled behind him to eat his nape, making it three titans for Eren to face. But Eren used the Warhammer and impaled all three, but Falco hardened his forearms to avoid impalement. 

"Now Let's finish these titans off!" the Paradis soldiers shouted. "Let's give them their favorite! Thunder spears on the house you bastards!"

Just then, the Attack Titan's head was shot making his brains fly. The shot was fired by the Cart Titan's railgun. Marleyan soldiers started shooting the Jeagerists, being aided by the airships. As Reiner and Galliard broke free and went for the kill. But Eren grabbed the Jaw and tossed him aside. The Armored got behind Eren to eat him, but Eren attemps to crush the Armored's skull from within. Then out of no where, Eren's left arm was severed causing Reiner to fall down. Everyone looked to see Falco who had a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left.

"You had a choice to just walk away." Falco said. "But you hurt my home. And that is something I won't forgive."

Eren summoned a sword to his right hand ready to fight the new titan before him.


In the next chapter, it will be a battle of both nations Vanguards.

And in the end, the Rumbling starts.

Until next time.

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