Chapter 10: Restaurant Crisis

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(Normal POV)

The day came for the Braus family when they were invited to the restautant Marleyan chef Niccolo works.

"This place is different from the places we've been to in Liberio." Falco said.

"I've never been to a place more fancier like this." Gabi replies and looks towards Sasha. "Is is true that someone from Marley works here?"

Sasha nodded. "Yes. So try and make a good impression. Other soldiers use this place. Even the higher ups."

Soon the group was approached by a chef.

"Mr. and Mrs. Braus, Sasha. Thank you for coming here today." the chef said and looked at the rest of the family. "This is quite a party you brought."

"Thank you for the invitation." Artur replied. "Figured I shouldn't the rest of the family miss out. You did say it was your treat correct?"

"I did say that. Just leave everything to me."

As the family was being showed to their table, Sasha waved at Niccolo who waved back while blushing.

"What's with that look Niccolo showed?" Gabi asked

"You haven't figured it out yet, have you?" Falco said

"Figured out what?"

Kaya answered "Sasha and Niccolo are in love with each other."

"An Eldian and a Marleyan?!" Gabi quietly said. "But that's impossible!"

"How come?"

"It just can't. An Eldian and a Marleyan can't be together or have a child."

Falco leaned into her ear. "Remind me who was Reiner's father and what he was?"

Soon Gabi sulked down in defeat after realizing Falco's statement, while Kaya grabbed Falco's shoulder.

"What did you tell her Ben?"

"A personal secret we kept."

Soon, everyone was served food and they were eating like there was no tomorrow and having conversations. Just then, Falco got carried away and his stomach got upest. He groaned through the stomach pain.

"Ben? Is something worng?" Artur asked.

"I think I overate a bit." Falco replied

"You just wanted to chow down on the food so it wouldn't get cold."

"Yeah. I have to use the bathroom."

"Go on ahead."

Falco made his way to the bathroom passing four unknown men who went into a closet.

"All right. So we know the plan?" one of the men said.

"Of course. As long as Commander Hange remains clueless, then we can execute the plan flawless."

"The intelligence we got said that the two kids from Marley are eating with the Braus's right now, and right now one of them just went to the bathroom."

"So I'll take him as a hostage and have a fake bomb strapped on me that way, they won't kill me without blowing this whole place to hell." the bomber said

"Meanwhile we'll shoot the place up, but we won't kill anyone."

"If we pull this off, we could become Eren's right hand men. After all, we are the ones who bombed Darius Zachary."

Little did they know, their conversation was being easedropped.

Meanwhile, Falco was doing his personal buisness in the restroom. He then started to have a slight headache. "Why are these headaches getting worse?" he thought to himself. He started to hear gunshots and screaming and then ducked his head down. Suddenly, he heard the door open and then he retreated into one of the stalls. But, the intruder barged into the stall before he could lock it.

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