Chapter 13: Rumbling Disasters

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(Falco's POV)

I looked towards Eren who was glaring at me with one arm that's holding a sword. I held a sword as well as a shield like a knight. Soon Eren started swinging his sword at me and I blocked with my shield. I couldn't understand why he was making a predicted barrage, but I just kept blocking and dodging his attacks. Soon he quickly got behind me, and tried to slash my back. But I was able to block it with my shield, but then felt another strike which broke my shield. "So that's what that barrage was."  I said. "You were just buying time unitl your arm was fully restored. Well good. It wouldn't be a challenge just to slaughter you. You wanna die with honor so bad? Then come on!" I charged at Eren as we both clashed blades.

(Normal POV)

Eren and Falco kept on trading blows with both Eldian and Marley soldiers as well as Reiner, Porco, Pieck, Magath, and Yelena watching their duel. Neither of the titans will back down. But as their fight continued, Falco rushed Eren but hurdled his shield at the Founding Titan. Eren was able to dodge it, but it left him wide open as Falco sliced the back of eren's legs bringing him to his knees. Falco then cuts off Eren's hands, and angles the sword above his nape.

"This battle is now over Eren." Falco said "Unlike Lord Tybur's sister, I will not hesitate to eat you. Right now my reason for doing this is to survive. Farewell Eren Yeager."

As Falco raised the sword down towards Eren's neck, flying projectiles shatter his blade and shatter parts of his armor knocking him down. Everyone looks to where the attack came from only to find a 17 meter titan with fur. It was Zeke's Beast Titan on top of the wall.

"So that's Falco in his special titan. Pretty impressive. Had you recieved this power long ago you would've made a fine warrior in our ranks. I arrived as planned, but a little to late. You did a good job holding you own Eren. Now leave the rest to your older brother."

Zeke tossed a volley of rocks at Marley's air fleet and a second volley at Pieck who retreated to the outside of the wall. Porco and Reiner were injured from the first rock volley, but can still fight. Meanwhile, Falco was surrounded by Jeagerists and other scouts that wern't tainted by the wine.

(Shiganshina HQ)

Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, and Sasha reach outside to see war returning to their island. They glare at Yelena and then they look up to see a burning airship crashing down.

"The outer gate has been blocked." Yelena said. "Zeke brought down Marley's ships. And Eren is about to change 2,000 years of horrible history." 

"Do they even need our help?" Connie asked.

"How is Zeke even here?" Jean wondered. "That's the last thing Captain Levi would want. Where is he and Hange?"

"I'm assuming the Captain and the Commander are defeated. Zeke is here as he promised." Yelena stated.

"That's not possible!" Sasha said.

Armin couldn't hold himself back forever. "I know this isn't right, but we have no more options! If Zeke and Eren can save the world, then we need to help the Jeagerists and bring them together!"

They didn't know what to say, but they saw Yelena tower over Armin.

"Please. Bring Eren and Zeke together." she requested.

"Armin wait a minute." Sasha said. "I don't care if you want to go along with this plan, but I'm not killing him." She pointed at Falco who was killing the Jeagerists surrounding him.

"So that titan is Falco?" Connie said in shock. "He more intense then before."

"And I was able to gain his trust. So if he sees us attacking him, the trust will be destroyed, and will provoke him to eat Eren."

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