Chapter 48 || Year 7

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Sirius point of view

"Don't make me chose between You and Harry" I Told her

"Why because you'll chose Harry?" Mary ask

"Yes I'll chose Harry"

"DAD, Daaad" she screamed.

I couldn't bear to hear her screams, we needed Harry to win the war we could always come back for her.

I took Harry by the hand and apperated away.

We made it to the hideout "Mary? where's Mary?'' ask Hermione I couldn't look at her.

"You, You she's your daughter how could you Sirius she's your blood" scream Hermione.

"I had to we need Harry to win the war" I tried to reason with her.

I saw Moony walk my way I thought it was because he agreed with me, but no I was greeted by his fist.

"You could have taken them both," he shouted. I looked around to see everyone giving me a disgusted look.

"You better leave before George comes back" warn arthur.


A day went by. We weren't able to go back to the manor now it was full with death eaters, I started to rethink my choice. No use regretting it now what's done is done.

I was down in the kitchen making a sandwich when I heard the bell ring. I opened the door and got greeted by a bloody beaten up Mary "Mary?" I was about to hug her when she passed by me "Mary please!"

"Stop! You made it clear you chose him AGAIN! Over me your own Fucken! blood so you know what I'm doing the same i'm choosing Remus as my father" she shouted as she made her way upstairs, before she could make it to her room she was pulled into a hug by Remus "Mary! thank Merlin you're alive" he said and kissed MY daughter on the forehead.

Mary's Pov

I made my way to my room and grab a change of clean clothes,

I still had no idea how the fuck i escape that place, everything is a blur to me from the last 24 hour.

When i was done showering i saw george in the side of my bed, when he heard me he instantly stood up "Mary-" "Get out" i sneer pointing to the door, "Please let me explain" he beg "No get out weasley" i tried my best not to show how hurt i was by the decision he had made that night, he took a step towards me and i took one back.

"I don't want to see you right now" I whisper , opening the door waiting for him to leave my room. "Im sorry Mary" he whispered as he left. I closed the door and just sat on my bed trying to remember what had happened.


I heard a knock on my door before I could open the door Remus walked in.

"Hey" he said taking a seat next to me "Hey Uncle" i whisper resting my head on his shoulder. I felt his hand rubbing circles on my back.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I began to cry.

"Why? couldn't I be enough for once Uncle Why?"

"You are enough Mary Padfoot he's just-"

"He's what?, he knows damn well what his doing"

"I know Mary... I know, but you will always be my first choice"

"Don't say that, You'll break it just like Dad.. Mom.. George"

He didn't answer he simply hug me tighter.

I cried on his chest until i fell asleep

As the darkness took over me Just for a second I saw two children that looked rather familiar before I was shaken awake.

"Mary, it's time for breakfast" I heard someone, I slowly opened my eyes just to see, wild purple hair "Tonks?' I didn't get an answer.

I rub my eyes to get the sleepiness off. "What's up?" regret that's all could see in her eyes "You couldn't have known they would see tonks i don't blame you" i smile.

I stood up and walk towards her before i could hug her a jolt of pain when threw my body, my legs gave up on me before i could fall to the ground tonks caught me "Mary? Are you alright!" i wave her off before trying to walk again but fail miserably, this time tonks wasn't quick enough to catch me, i felt to the ground out of breath "I'll go get someone" shouted tonks leaving my room.

I was having a hard time breathing i don't have long,

I heard the door slam open, in walk George Remus, Tonks and Sirius.


I did not hear anything else, everything went black.

I woke up in my room once again. I looked around just to notice I was alone, I tried to get up but failed miserably, once again I landed on the ground, out of breath, why the hell send me back like this.

I grab into my bed and made myself standup , i carefully walk towards the door and opened it, after a few steps it got easier to walk, when i got downstairs i saw everyone was in the kitchen, Tonks was the first to see me, " Mary" she was quick to be by my side.

I glanced to see a worried look on everyone. "I'm fine" I told them, taking a seat at the table.

Silence is all I got in response.

"Do you think we believe that" I heard my mom say.

I slam my hands on the table and forcefully got up "No am not fine Alexa! You didn't do shit that night you stood quite, How do you think I Fucken feel HUH?" I sneered making her flinch "Mary she's your mother" interfered Kingsley "You! if you would have stayed a little longer I wouldn't be-" I cut myself of before I said anything else "Be what?" Question George.

"Nothing Weasley, Damn it I'm going back to my room KreKre please bring my food to my room" with that I made my way upstairs.

"Mary please"

"Go away George"

"Damn! it Mary" he said grabbing me by the arm I turn around and slapped him "You chose him, You promise me you wouldn't choose him like my father George You PROMISE" I Sob walking away from him.

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