Chapter 37 || Year 6

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After that break when by fast,

I was on my way to king cross to return to school, i had taken a cap

Once I made it to 9 ¾ , I looked around to see if I could see Leo or Daniela. I saw a glimpse of blonde hair in the distance. Daddy malfoy, Daniela is most likely in the train already, I put my things away and made it inside.

I when my way to my compartment to see daniela and leo were already there,

"Mary" shouted daniela

"Guess you have questions" i told her

"You think" she sneered

I just laugh nervously

"What did i miss" said leo

"Nothing, Don't worry" I reassured him and took a nap.

A few hours I presume had passed when someone shook me awake "Were here" I heard someone whisper.

I open my eye and got greeted by grey eyes, i let out a small scream "Fuck daniela" i said "Oh shut it and hurry up leo left so we could get change" she told me as she pull her skirt up, i gave her a look,

"Did you get flatter or something" i joke

"You" she screech before hitting me with her shoe.

"Just joking women," I told her before undressing and putting on my uniform, Leo made it just in time.

We had to wait a few minutes before we could unboard the train, not long after we got off the train and made our way to our own common rooms.

I made it and saw hermione already unpaking, i notice she hadn't heard me so i took this opportunity to sneak up on her,

"Boo" bad idea, i had a wand in my throat"Hey hey it's me" i told her "Oh my mary am so sorry, You damn git why the bloody hell did you do that for i could have hurt you"  she scream "My bad women, my bad" i told her with a laugh. She gave me an irritated look before going back to what she was doing.

I simply casted a spell for my things to fold them self and put them self away
"Lazy mush," I heard her whisper.

The day when by fast I was woken up by Hermione walking around "Is it time?" i ask "Yes" she answers back, i sight it's too dam early, i stood up and grab a change of clothes before getting dress, with that i made my way to the dinning hall and took a sit by ginny and neville, "Hello" i cheer "Goodmorning" Neville and Ginny answered.

Once I was done eating I met up with Daniela and headed to Potions with Slughorn.

I was surprised that we didn't do anything crazy like other classes. We simply did an antidote. With that he dismissed us and we headed to our next class.

The rest of the class went by quite fast . I was in the corridor coming back from a meeting with Dumbledore, I saw Harry carrying Ron to what am guessing the hospital wing, what the hell happened this time,  Well it's late, all go and see what happens tomorrow.

I made it to my dorm to see Hermione doing homework "Hey what happened to ron?" i ask "What" she seem confuse "Harry seem to be taking him to the hospital wing "What" she shouted "Oh you, wait" i grab her by the arm before she could leave "Wait" "Wait Ron is injure" "Oi i know but it's late will go tomorrow first thing in the morning" i told her "But" "Hermione it's late we could lose house points" "Fine."


I woke up my hermione shaking me "Hurry up" she shouted, "Ok" i whine i got up and grabbed my uniform before following hermione to the Hospital wing, i bump into a few people since i was still half asleep.

When we made it there, Hermione was quick to run to Ron's side and ask if he was fine. "He's fine now" they reassure her.

We stayed there for half an hour before the teacher came in and asked what had happened. When Slughorn told them he gave him some of his drink, when he showed the bottle my blood when cold, me and snape made eye contact, He made it clear we would be talking later.

"Professor Slunhorn who gave you that drink" asked Dumbledore "That's the thing Profesor i don't quite remember it was just there" he told him, thank merlin the potion work.

We were interrupted by Lavender screaming "Won won where is my Won won" Gynni, Hermione and Me all let out a sigh, She started to call hermione things before pushing ginny away and taking a hold of her poor won won hand "Hermione....Hermione" i let out a snort before turning around, i heard lavender run.

"Miss Black" i turn around and saw Snape waiting for me "Coming" i said and follow him to his classroom "You almost Killed a student" he told me "How was i supposed to know that slughorn was going to give him some of that drink "  i said offended "You need to be careful next time" he said before pointing to the door, with an annoying look i left.


I was walking through the hall when I saw Draco. I started to follow him since I needed a word with him, I stopped once I saw Potter following him, I was far enough away that they wouldn't notice me.

When i got close enough i heard shouting in the restroom, then i heard spells being shot, Not good i ran inside and saw Draco on the floor with blood, before i could speak i heard Snape i turn around he gave me a look, he when in first and i follow after him, he kneel down and said a spell, harry was quick to run away "Black take him to the Hospital wing" "Yes Profesor" i casted the levitation spell and made my way to the hospital wing.

After i left him i when to the common room i heard people shouting i said the password and saw people stock in place and Daniela pointing her wand at potter "Flipendo" she scream Harry was quick to stop the spell "I-" he got stop by Daniela "Ava-" that's when i came and knocked her out before she did something she would regret.

I casted a spell to undo the one she had casted to the common room,
"See this is why we don't give the password to slytherins"  said Ron without missing a beat "He hasn't told you has he" i laugh as i pick Dani up "Told us what" he ask confuse "I wouldn't have stop her if she wasn't about to use THAT spell you deserve what was coming for you Potter, After all you ALMOST KILL Draco" i sneer, before leaving i took my wand out and "Mobiliarbus" with that i send potter flying across the room, and land just below a window "NExt time you will go flying out the window potter" I told him and left to the slytherin common room.

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