Chapter 34 || Year 6

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A few days when by sense slughorn's party

Not much happened after that, just a quiet week to everyone's surprise, today was a quidditch game gryffindor vs slytherin there was also going to be another party for slughorns a christmas one this time.

I got invited again and had no idea who I was bridging for a date. I might go alone. There is no need to bring a boy.

Anyways it was time for the quidditch game. I put some warm clothes and headed to the quidditch pitch for the game. When I got there it was packed even though it was snowing. I took a seat next to Hermione as we waited for the game to begin.

Not long after it began as the game when on Ron pulled some interesting stunts here and there, he look more confident in a way, slithering didn't make that many points thanks to Ron, he looked like he was enjoying himself.

Once the game was over we all went to the common room to celebrate our victory against slithering,  just as Ron came down from his room everyone congratulated him and cheered his name including myself.

Outta nowhere lavender pulled him down for a kiss. I was quick to turn around to see Hermione walk away piss. Did not see that one coming. The night continued with people sneaking fire whisky into the common room. I was quick to grab a bottle for myself and drink it in one go.

The effect of the whiskey  came to me in a short amount of time


I woke up with a headache but i was not in my room i look around to see i was in the black lake

How the heck did i get here

I was wet so i definitely when in, i look around too see there were other people past out as well, i stood up and left before i got in trouble, i made it to my room and took a quick shower, when i got out i saw hermine with red eye i didn't bother asking if she was ok because i knew she wasn't, i put some clothes on and left to the great hall.

I took  seat in the far end of the table "Quite the show you pull" said leo taking a seat next to me "Huh" i question "You don't remember" he ask me "Nope" i told him "Well you got drunk and started to say you were a bird and try to jump off the window if it wasn't for neville you probably would have then you ran out crying because they didn't let you jump" he told me "That doesn't explain why am wet" i told him  "You when to the black lake and jump in saying you were going to go look for your pet fish nemo" he laugh, i slam my head in the table "Kill me" i told him.

We continue to talk for a while before heading out.


They weakened when by fast, it and so did classes. I was now getting ready for the party. I ended up wearing a red dress to the party when i got there most people had dates now i felt bad for myself, but the party must go on right,

i when in and look around to see it was quite full, i look around to see if i could recognize anyone, until i saw blaise i made my way to him "Blaise' "Mary" he question "Alone or date?" i ask "Alone" he told me taking a sip of his drink "Uff, same" i told him as i took a drink from neville "i was certain you would bring Pakistone girl or Daniela" i ask him "Never pansy is to obsessed with Draco and daniela i did ask her but she said she was helping draco in something' he told me,

we got interrupted by filch coming in with both twins in hand "Professor slughorn i found this two lurking around" before slunghords could continue Snape step in "i'll take it from here" and with that they left.

The party went one for another while before I took my leave.


We were leaving for the holidays today and i would be going to visit dad because molly was making me.

I made my way to the train and when on the compartment I usually take, Daniela and Leo were already there, I didn't waste time "What was yesterday about?" I asked "nothing" she said annoyed so I didn't push her.

The train ride went by fast, we took our things and said our goodbye, I looked around and saw molly "Mary" she said and pulled me into a hug "molly' she hugged the rest and with that we made our way to the house.

When we got there i was greeted by uncle remus i knew what was coming "Ignore me and ran from me" he ask annoyed "I didn't see you" i told him but he didn't buy that ""You also don't come for summer, and stay with someone you barely know" he shouted "Lunny is a nice person" i said "Lunny?" he ask "Yea a nice lady a meet last year" i told him,

Your mother we nickname her lunny since her patronus was a wolf

Sorry i had to go to the restroom

That's what i get for leaving you with him

"Why do you have a photo of my dad"

"I had a daughter"

It all came crashing down to me.

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