16| devil's advocate

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cw: mentions of blood, violence

23 days until his death

Two more months pass in Pogtopia, our band of warriors growing more everyday. Since our last day in Manburg, we've opened three different peoples eyes.
Those three consist of Quackity, Niki, and Fundy. Even Eret has offered us their help.

All has been well, well most had been well.
Good things have come, all of our new members pull their weight. Tubbo was physically better than the last day that we had all every spent in Manburg.

Things would be on the right track, if Dream hadn't informed us that a traitor lies within the cavern. Triggering all the memories of Eret's betrayal. Tommy was distraught, he doesn't trust many people anymore.
He didn't have many people to trust to be fair. Most people had already walked out, and if they were back in the picture now, they burnt they're bridges long before realizing any mistakes.

Often I think back to the events of what happened in Manburg that day. Less of my actions and the manic behavior that flooded my vision— I thought back to what had happened when we arrived back in the cold, bleakness inside the grey walls of solitude we call Pogtopia.

I often find my thoughts circling around
The Pit.

A place in time where I was too focused on one kid, that it was almost too late for the other.

Wilbur and I rush through the woods, the unruly grass rubbing against our ankles, the random stumps of wood sticking out of the ground.

Trying to get away from Manburg as fast as we could, before Schlatt could send any guards after us. In addition to rushing for Tubbo who is in critical condition, in the hands of Tommy who doesn't know much about medication himself, only what he had been treated with.

We make it to the secret threshold that was hidden behind strategically placed rocks. Wilbur pulls them back with all the adrenaline he has from the event we came from.
My legs carrying me down the stairs quicker than they've ever moved.

Tucked away in the corner, an area where all our cots are, laid Tubbo's unconscious body, with Tommy's sobbing one on top of it.
From what I could see, Tommy had bandaged his wound and did what I told with the blazer; doing all he could to help his friend.

I run to the two, pushing Tommy off Tubbo.
My index and middle finger rushing under his jaw, looking for a pulse.

I panic— I can't feel anything.
"No." I let out of my breath, out of a reflex almost.
My fingers lightly tapping around the boys neck, with no luck.

My breath gets heavier,
"C'mon Tubbo." My voice still faint, only slightly louder. Tommy stood to my left, shaking, I could hear his soft cries behind me as he was slowly dehydrating. Even Wilbur stood behind me, worried.

It was at this moment, my fingers hitting a spot on his, an unsteady throbbing.
A smile broke my lips, I lower my fingers a centimeter and the pulsing gets stronger.
Giving me a sign that he's still there.

I rip open the med box. Tubbo's dress shirt was already torn where the wound was.
Ripping off the previous bandage that laid on his stomach, revealing a thick, caked layering of half dried blood on his stomach, and torn skin.

I pull out a shimmering glass bottle, the color of the liquid was a bright pink color, that glistened against the lighting in the cavern.
A heath potion.

Propping Tubbo's mouth open, I use the same arm to support his head, letting the potion run down his throat.
I tend to his wounds, with high pressure to trigger the blood to clot and at the very least slow the blood loss.

I had heard footsteps coming from the bigger part of the ravine that wasn't closed off, like where we had been. I jumped slightly, thinking someone from Manburg was on our tail.

Wilbur peaked his head around the corner; his eyebrows furrowed, before he turned to me and shook his head, telling me it wasn't anything to worry about.
Wilbur pulled Tommy up from my side, they exited together.

I need to focus on Tubbo, so my thoughts fade from those two— blocking all noises from that area and continue to work on Tubbo.

Soon enough, all the blood had been cleaned off him, he had fresh bandages, the heath potion had worked well seemingly; his face began to flood itself with more color, than the ghostly white it once was.
He was due to wake up in a day or two.

I clean off my hands, before bringing them to the boys face. My thumb strokes circles around the outer corner of his eye, it was corse. A texture driven by dry, salty tears.
"You never deserved any of this." I whisper to him, prior to getting up from my kneeling position to meet with the two boys.

I round the corner with a smile, knowing that Tubbo would be okay— though it fell quickly.
Wilbur stood, laughing like a maniac, shouting down to a pit.
In the pit held Tommy, who had purple bruises all over his body, his face.
A man standing over the poor boy, a man with a long pink braid— Technoblade; the man who just betrayed us.

Wilbur cheered both of them on, shouting why each should be mad at the other.
Tommy was weak trying to hit the taller, stronger man that stood above him, Tommy had no shot.

"Think of what he did Tommy! Think of what he did to Tubbo!" Wilbur shouted down.

"What the fuck is happening over here." I yell, catching everyone's attention. Wilbur's expression left his face, Tommy now allowed himself to cry again, and Techno stood, still rather emotionless, though more embarrassed. I dash towards the pit, linking my arms with Tommy's, pulling his limp and weak body up into my lap, wiping the tears off his eyes; checking him over to see if there was any other injuries than bruises.

"It stays in the pit." Techno shrugged, exiting the 'pit' to stand next to Wilbur. It was two on two now, though Wilbur wasn't much help to Techno at this moment, he stayed silent.

Tommy shouts insults at the man, with every last bit of energy he had left.
"He could've died Techno! You were willing to do so right there! We could've lost him forever!"

"Here's the thing, you're using words. The thing about this world, Tommy is that the universal language is violence. We've had that conversation, we've spoken that language in the pit. It's over Tommy. Onto a new day, a new plot, to destroy Manburg." Techno follows this monologue with a sinister laugh.

Since that day Tommy held a hostile grudge towards Technoblade, despite Tubbo having had forgiven the man.
The atmosphere has been tense, but we have to persevere, because at the end of the day, Technoblade will be the one to lead us to victory.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when in the corner of my eye I saw a hand.
"C'mon, we have to go train."

An: hi guys ! the story will be ending soon with two more chapters and an epilogue. thank you all for the support and votes and comments and all, it means a lot. when i started to write this i didn't think anyone would read it at all so thank you!

also, something i think that's big to mention and i feel is clear but may not be clear to others, that y/n is being manipulated by wilbur, and that she believes what he says, not because she is dumb, but because she had never felt love before.
i think it's important to note that, i've tried to make it clear, but i don't want anyone thinking that this is a real love or wanting what they have at all, when it's manipulation.
the story was never meant to be happy .

also ! i have another story coming out soon, a c!tommy x fem!reader, that is based off romeo and juliet with a forbidden love story— no nsfw ofc i wouldn't write that regardless but thought i should say that; just a cute teenage love story with a romeo and juliet type beat. so yeah haha if you liked this you will definitely like it because it's a lot better written in my opinion. also, let me know if you guys would like a one shot book where you guys can request different scenarios because i think that would be fun to write so let me know !

just wanted to mention that incase people hadn't realized or something because i would feel bad if people didn't.
anyways, happy pride month besties !
you are all valid ! thank you for reading <3

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