08| checkmate

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334 days until his death

Only a few days before Wilbur was planning to hold the election. Wilbur decided to hold it soon, therefor less time for a possible leak.

Though a bad feeling lingered in my chest about this 'election' Wilbur had done the most to take my mind off of it.
He knows I'm not sold on the idea, I think it's rather shady. Since he's told me, he been around a lot more— trying to disrupt my thoughts about it.

Before he was a lot busier working on the future of L'manburg, and probably planning for this stupid election.
Recently he would come around to my house randomly, and just spend time with me. You would think he would be the busiest trying to pull of this actual mess.

Wilbur could see right through me.

Though who really couldn't, this idea was insane.
If any other people really knew, i'm sure they would think the same.

Tubbo now knew, as Tommy told him everything. They began to build a podium for this election, but they disguised it as Tommy's new house for now. 

It was only a matter of time until this news came out to the people, and I don't think either Tommy or Wilbur were prepared.
Hell I don't even think i'm prepared.
It's a ticking time bomb of a shit-show that we all get to watch.

I try not to think about it though. I've always been a rather positive person, but sometimes it gets hard trying to mask that.

Wilbur was more positive about this than I, which never happens. He's always been a glass half empty kind of man— yet he's taken my role this time, and I have his.

Days go on though, quicker than I expected— that's been a usual occurrence though.

Waking up everyday felt the same for the past four days, except this morning.
The events of my morning remained the same though. I get ready and head out to Tubbo's house.

As I'm passing by, the door of the van flys open behind me. Standing in the threshold is Wilbur. He waved his hands, ushering me into the van. Stepping up into it, I'm greeting with Tommy huddled around the table. I can only expect what is happening.
My eyes began to focus on another person, who stands next to Tommy.

He was shorter than Tommy, standing around Tubbo's height. His dark hair and eyes, constrasting against Tommy's. Standing in a similar stance that Tubbo and Tommy did, yet his face had less of a stressed look, that the two younger boys held.
By his face, he was proud— of himself.

He was wearing a beanie on the top of his head, and sun glasses that covered his eyes. He wore a black suit with a red tie. His face was new, many people have come and gone around here— but I've never seen him.

I stood across the table from the guy, next to Wilbur.
"Y/n, this is Quackity." Wilbur announced, "Quackity, this is y/n."

"Hello." Quackity smirked.

I ignored his gesture, "What's happening."

"Well. Why don't I fill you in, sweetheart." The man I now know as Quackity spoke as he began to walk towards me.

"Dont call me-"

"Your— man over here kept his election under raps, right." He cut me off. "Well, I've heard through the grape vine about this. I don't know about you, but I don't think it's too fair to run by yourself." He brushed past me, nudging my back with his shoulder, looking Wilbur directly in the eye.

Wilbur's face remained straight whole looking at Quackity.

"This is my formal announcement, I— Quackity am running in the election; with my Vice President— George. We are, SWAG2020."

With that, he left out the door. Wilbur's head fell immediately into the palms of his hands in disappointment. Tommy followed after. Leaving Tubbo and I awkwardly standing next to the two, each on the opposites sides of table from each other.

Both of our lips were pieced as we stood staring at each other. I feel like Tubbo saw it coming as
much as I did, which is why he isn't reacting as devastated like Wilbur and Tommy.

Quackity now running, with infamous George, means that the new of the election will spread like a wildfire.
In addition to Dream now knowing about Wilbur's idea.

I knew it was soon to happen, but not prepared, also knowing I should've been. If all else failed I knew I should've had a second plan, I always do.
The only time I hadn't was during Eret's betrayal, which had been the biggest downfall.

History continues to repeat itself.

Tubbo breaks the silence, "We can still win this." He mutters.

Tommy lifts his head and looks at Tubbo, Wilbur following.
"With a 50/50 chance. Even then, who else could put their hats in the ring after finding out. People around here would kill for this power." Wilbur shouts, unintentionally in the heat of the moment.

"Listen, I didn't want to mention this unless we were in the worst case scenario." Tubbo clears his throat, "follow me."

All of us with lost hope, followed the boy out of the van. He lead us to an ominous and hidden hole in the back corner of the wall. We drop down the hole to reveal a complete paved burrow of a path that seemingly lead on for miles.

"What the hell is this, Tubbo." Wilbur shouted once more, but the anger in his voice was gone. Pure astonishment was the only trace.
Wilbur was proud of Tubbo, and partially scared of all the clear free-time the boy had to work on this.

"This is your escape."

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