05| our fate

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365 days, 2 hours and 3 minutes before his death.

Today was the day.

The feeling of today was as normal as every other day.
That was until it had all set in.

The sky felt gloomier today, though it was the sunniest it's been all week. I felt a weight on me, not because I felt like it was all up to me, it's because this country is all I have— without it i'm nothing.

I could tell Wilbur felt the same. Everyone did i'm sure, despite how hard they didn't want to show it.

Today was our rise or today was our fall.

The war was set to begin at noon, we all woke up before dawn because we knew Dream was too huge of a coward to fight us at the set time. He would ambush us at the time we least expected, but we definitely expected it after all the games he's pulled in hopes of our demise.

Today's battle was gonna be intense. We all knew that. There was no doubt that Dream was the best fighter all of us had ever seen.
Granted we hadn't seen many other people except the ones around us, but that doesn't take away from Dreams talent.

Us as a nation had only worked with each other and bounced off one another's skills. We were as great as our best fighter.

The sun rose over the hills inside our walls and casted an orange glow over our nation, soon to be all ours.
I am sure of it.

I never thought that we asked much from Dream. We only asked to be an independent country just outside of his, and he could keep all his petty titles he cared about so badly.
Yet he would never budge all the times we offered to meet with him, and gave him different choices and offers he never agreed.

The only thing he would agree on is violence.

War wasn't my first choice, preferably not my last either. Though it was my only one.
I wanted to keep our land peaceful, especially with all these boys who were younger. The memories of what will happen here today will shape the rest of their lives— which terrified me.

We were all sat inside the van, around a table. We had weapons that were spares. They were all diamond, but none of our items were enchanted because we had no time. All of the stuff we are using was either old and damaged, or crafted this morning with spare diamonds we had from when the guys went mining all those weeks ago.

All of us had at least one bandage on us somewhere due to the first ambush yesterday. They knew what they were doing when they injured us all so they could kick us when we were already down.
Once again a cowardly play by Dream.

For an all mighty, so called, powerful man— He is a colossal coward.

Wilbur and I saw straight through his act, I'm sure the boys did as well. That's why we started this whole thing.

I just hope that today we can come out on top, from yesterday our chances weren't looking promising— I remained confident though.
Hours had passed as we waited for Dream and the rest of his team showed up.
To our surprise, it took quite awhile to show.
Then the clock struck 10.

When we thought he would stick to his honor for the first time, we heard chatter on the top of the walls.

Dream pulled his mask over his face as he turned to Wilbur, his mask revealed a crease of his sinister smile.
"I see you're ready early, huh?" He scoffed.

"Well you're rather predictable Dream." Wilbur clenched his jaw along with his fist that rested closely against his side.

Dream jumped down and landed on his feet, his team followed mimicking by his movement exactly— like they were his minions.
I never understood why these men never stood up to them and rebelled. They followed his every move. Dream seemed like more than their 'king' or whatever his title was.

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