02| under the stars

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A over year before his death

Wilbur ordered some of our new recruits, including his son, Fundy, to start working on the buildings of the walls. We have been really busy for the past few days getting everything together, building the walls, placing propaganda posters all over town.
Seeing Wilbur this impassioned about something made me really happy. He seemed rather stressed but at the same time he seemed extremely joyful—He finally had something that was all his.

Wilbur woke up extremely early every single day, and never went to sleep until very late at night or early that next day.
Most nights I stayed up with him when I could. We would climb to the top of the camarvan with an old radio and a blanket, watching the stars while we talked about the day before and the advancement of our country.

Every now and again I would turn my head and watch him speak in awe. The way he spoke about the rise of this country and how passionate he was gave me butterflies.

The man truly had such a way with words, even the days where we got little to no progress done, or days that Tommy and Tubbo would mess around and blow creepers up all over the place, or days that Dream would try to scold us for everything that is wrong with us building this country on 'his land'— He would always make everything sound alright and reassure me that everything would be okay.

Wilbur and I stood in the camarvan, he walked over to Fundy's bunk, wishing him a goodnight; I walked over to Tubbo and Tommy's bunk to make sure that they were asleep and alright. I looked up at Wilbur and He gives me a nod. I reach up to my bunk and grab the light blankets off my bed, as Wilbur grabs the stereo off the dash and we head up to the top of the van.

I spread two blankets out across the roof and we laid down. The music from the radio began to play and Wilbur quietly hummed to it. The light wind that cooled the night brushed against my face, giving my body a hug. The glisten of the pale moonlight casting a white hue across Wilbur's face.

"Are you nervous for the war?" I asked. The revolutionary war was coming up very quickly, I have been getting really anxious about it.

"No, not at all." He smiles and sits up onto his elbows, a tilted brow and a confident smirk rose on his face. "I have full faith in my men— you as well, of course." He looked over at me.

A light blush fell over my face. "I just have a bad feeling about it, I guess." I turn from him and stare up into the stars.

"You shouldn't. We've trained them well. Did you see Fundy out there earlier, his PVP is getting better and better everyday. As well as Eret, he's been grinding out day and night to get proper stuff for us. We're stacked. The dream team has got nothing on us." His grin grew.

My face must've still been visibly worried as he he raises his right hand into the sky. His four fingers attached, with a lingering thumb causing a backwards 'L' shape to form. Beginning at the sun and slowly moving it the right.

"Soon enough, all of this land will be ours; without any of Dreams dictatorship, we will be free. When it is-" He reached his hand past my cheek and behind my ear and turned my head gently, "I want you right by my side, when those bastards throw up their white flags." His face lit up. He rubbed his thumb against my face, then pulled his hand back down to his side and stared up into the night.
I smiled the hardest I ever have. He always knows how to calm me down.

"You're right. I'm probably overthinking." I smiled and sat up, letting my worries fade. He was right, this will all be in our hands, in our control.

"Y'know y/n, you should give yourself more credit. You're brilliant at PVP, with you our chances of losing are extremely slim." He sat up as well.

My face blushed harder, visibly this time. Butterflies thrashed in my stomach, and my mouth creased into a smirk. It felt satisfying to hear a form of validation.

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