By the time class ended, I felt like Rapunzel in Tangled after those small girls had braided her super long hair with flowers and all. 

I wondered what he would do if I just cut it all off but I loved my mahogany hair more than him. Needless to say, it took me a full fifteen minutes to take out the various kinds of pins and rubber bands and scrunchies he'd managed to plant into my fancy hairdo which was saying a lot because it was supposed to be a simple braid.

So you can understand why I was more than comfortable ignoring him. It wasn't like he apologized either.

No, he just went ahead and got me the apple pie on the school's menu which was even better than an apology.

But I enjoyed it fully and then proceeded to ignore the damn lunatic again when he tried striking a conversation with me while some girl straddled him.

Looney Tunes: Do you want me to throw stones into your room? I'm that bored and you left the window open.

Looney Tunes: I'll do it Romeo style ;) 

I read the text twice and then heard a faint sound like something had fallen into my room.

Fine, he can do it. I'll just collect the stones for the day I'd have to return them to him.

By obviously throwing them back at him. Or his window. Either will work.

Derek sure as hell was annoying. I didn't think it was even possible. He repeatedly made me question if he was even a bad boy with his persistence with annoying me but then he'd do something the opposite of being a hyper kid and we'd be back at square one. 

Shaking my head, I silenced my phone and then kept it face down before diving back into HIMYM.

Ted, Barney, Robin, Marshall and Lily were far more important.

Oh and the goat. Don't forget the goat.


My senses picked up on the smell of cigarette smoke.

That's one thing I can't ignore no matter how distracted I might be.

I'd switched from watching the show on Netflix to reading books.

I exhaled harshly and closed the book I was now reading - Empire of Storms (Book 5 in Throne Of Glass Series) by Sarah J Maas.

Standing up, I lightly stretched, already preparing myself to go back to my room. The smell was coming from next door and I had a good idea who it could be.

I checked my phone again to find at least over twenty more text messages from Derek. I deadpanned internally.

When I entered my room, I found an impressive amount of stones. Almost twenty or so. I took a couple of minutes to collect them into an empty jar I kept handy.

I was more than amused but the scent of the smoke was unnerving to me.

Done with that, I stood back up and went to my window.

I saw Derek leaning out of his own window, arms stretched out on the pane and supporting his weight while his dark blue dyed hair shone slightly. It fell over his eyes as he looked away towards the scenery. 

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