{ Chapter Twenty-Six }

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"I'm not pregnant, Liv. I'm kinda assuming that I will never be having another baby... and I guess I'm okay with that. I love the two kids that I have. They are amazing." Amanda smiled weakly.

"But you did have unprotected sex with your husband-"

"Ex husband. We aren't together anymore, and I really don't think we will ever get back together." Amanda frowned.

"Okay, but you still slept with him. And if you weren't on the pill and he didn't wear a condom, chances are you are pregnant. You got pregnant pretty easy with Jimmy and Jenna."

"No, I'm not pregnant, so stop talking about. We were having dinner tonight because we don't get time to really talk... but I don't want to talk anymore. Got it?" Amanda spat. She stood quickly before walking straight up the stairs and to her room.

Olivia frowned deeply, but eventually cleaned up their mess and left to get Amanda some pregnancy tests. Just in case.


Amanda found the bag of tests in her downstairs bathroom. She hated Olivia for continuing to push, but she wanted to prove her friend wrong. So she took two tests and then went about her day. She didn't get the kids back until sometime after noon, so she needed to use her time wisely and get some housework done. She cleaned the house before eventually remembering the tests.

She grabbed them and looked at them for a moment, before deciding to take another one just in case the results changed, since it had sat for so long. But the third test came back the same as the first two. It was positive, and Amanda wanted to throw up. 

She couldn't believe that she had fucked up once again, and she felt like being pregnant right now was happening at the completely wrong time. Just like with Jimmy and Jenna, but at least she felt more prepared for them. For some reason, she didn't feel prepared since this baby's father didn't want a baby with her at all.

"Olivia!" Amanda yelled as she unlocked the front door with her spare key. Olivia quickly came to the front door and eyed her friend.

"Why are you yelling?" Olivia exclaimed.

"I hate you!" Amanda huffed.

"You hate me?! What the hell did I do?" Olivia huffed.

"I didn't want to know what was happening! I didn't want to find out that..." Amanda didn't finish her statement before quickly stepping forward and clinging to Olivia as she sobbed.

Olivia was confused, but quickly realized what Amanda was talking about. She wrapped her arms around Amanda's body before frowning deeply.

"How far along do you think you are?" Olivia whispered, as she hugged Amanda tightly.

"It's been like three months since we had sex. And I haven't been with anyone since... it just feels wrong." Amanda whimpered.

"It's okay, honey. We are going to get this figured out. You aren't alone in this, okay?"

"Okay... but that doesn't change how scared I am."

"I know exactly how you feel. I was terrified when I found out I was pregnant with Aiden. And with the other three. That feeling never changes."


Elliot had heard Amanda yelling, but he didn't get a chance to talk to his wife about it until after the kids went to bed that night. 

"Elsie and Stella swapped beds tonight. So if you go in to check on them, beware that they aren't in their proper beds." Olivia yawned as she walked into her bedroom. 

"Those two get weirder by the day... just like their mama." Elliot teased. Olivia rolled her eyes as she walked over to her side of the bed. She climbed in slowly before looking at her husband.

"Are you okay? You have seemed a little quiet tonight."

"Oh, I'm fine. Just thinking about Amanda."

"W-what about her?" Olivia asked nervously. Amanda had asked her to not talk to Elliot about what was happening until she could figure out what was happening.

"Is she hiding something from me or-"

"She's just still taking her divorce hard. She thought Dominick was the one, but clearly he was just as slimy as the rest of her exes." Olivia blurted out.

"I'm one of those, technically." Elliot grumbled.

"Okay, that was a drunken one-night stand. But that's all that is bothering her."

"No, it isn't. She came into our house and was yelling at you. She said that she hated you, and then I heard her crying. So tell me the truth, Olivia. Before I go over there and ask her myself." Elliot warned, as he started to climb out of bed. Olivia grabbed his arm quickly before shaking her head.

"Don't go over there. Please."

"Okay, and why not?"

"Because Amanda is pregnant with Dominick's baby."


Just those words pissed Elliot off. He wasn't angry at Amanda by any means, but he was pissed at Dominick. For using Amanda one last time before running off. So once his wife fell asleep, Elliot raced out to Staten Island to see Dominick. It was a long drive, but it gave him time to figure out what to say. He arrived after midnight and pounded on the front door.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Dominick huffed as he opened the front door to his house. Since there was no reason he should wait around for Amanda, he bought a house and was already dating a bit.

"Do you know what you did to her?" Elliot huffed.

"Huh?" Dominick asked as he rubbed his fists against his eyes.

"To Amanda. Do you know what you did to her? Because she's-"

"Okay, just tell me what I did to Amanda. I think that it would be wise if we just get things over with, because it's late and we both have work in the morning." Dominick sighed.

"She's pregnant, you asshole." Elliot huffed.

"What?" Dominick breathed. Elliot looked at Dominick with wide eyes, before realizing that what he just did was dumb.

"Oh, shit."

"She's pregnant? Amanda? She's having a baby?" Dominick struggled to speak.

"She didn't tell you yet?" Elliot asked, and Dominick shook his head.

"N-no. I haven't talked to her since the night we broke up officially... Oh my god. I need to get to her. You know that she can get really sick when pregnant. So I need-"

"Fuck, no! I wasn't supposed to tell you, let alone know myself! Okay, so let's just forget this happened. Don't go and see her until she comes to you. Okay?"

"Elliot, this is my baby we are talking about! I can't just sit back and let Amanda do this all alone!"

"She won't be alone. She has Olivia right now, so please. Please don't go and see her until she comes to you. She might get scared again, and she could run. Like every time before."

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