{ Chapter Fourteen }

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After over a hundred pictures were taken, the kids were bundled up in their jackets and headed out to get some candy. Amanda pushed Jenna's stroller since the little girl hadn't mastered walking yet, and so that her little legs didn't get tired. She kept focused on Jenna and making sure their group stayed together, so she wasn't focusing on Declan and what had happened lately.

"Do you want to get her out so she can go and get some candy?" Dominick asked, as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's waist while they waited for Olivia and Elliot to come back with the kids.

"She's sleeping and I don't want to wake her." Amanda replied, as she glanced down into the stroller and saw that Jenna was asleep and sucking on her thumb.

"You aren't enjoying this at all." Dominick frowned, and Amanda sighed softly as she leaned into him.

"No, I'm not. I'm not enjoying this because Declan had to come and ruin it. All I can think about is how he could pick Kim over Jimmy. Like, look at that kid. He's amazing, smart, kind... and he's incredibly goofy. And once again, Declan chose anything and everything else over him." Amanda frowned as she kept her eyes glued to her son as he patiently waited behind the others to get his candy.

"Amanda, I'll be his father." Dominick spoke gently.

"What?" Amanda asked.

"I'll be his father. I can teach him how to play baseball, and if he wants to join the Boy Scouts then I'll be there on all of his camping trips... I will be the father that this little boy needs and I'll be the husband you want and also need. Someone on your side." Dominick smiled softly as he turned Amanda around to look at him.

"You really wanna marry me? Be a father to Jimmy?" Amanda whispered, and Dominick nodded.

"More than anything else in this world, Amanda. We haven't been dating for too long, but we have been in love for longer than either of us will admit."

"Thanks, Dominick... for everything."

"Of course, baby. I'll even get you a ring if you want to get married." Dominick grinned.

"Let me think on that."


They made one loop around the neighborhood before going home. The kids organized their candy before trading it between each other. The adults sat in the living room and watched the kids as they drank wine and beer. 

"Elliot, I have a question." Dominick spoke, as he sat beside Amanda and had his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Yeah?" Elliot replied, from where he sat in his recliner with Jenna sleeping against him.

"Do you like me?" Dominick mused, and Olivia chuckled as she looked down at her wine.

"Are you feeling insecure?" Olivia teased, and Dominick blushed as he shook his head.

"That's not why I'm asking... I'm asking because it's important that you and Elliot like me because I'm around Jenna so often." Dominick sighed.

"Carisi, I like you. You are a good kid and are way better for Amanda and the kids than anyone else could be." Elliot replied.

"So, like what if Amanda and I got married?" Dominick spoke, and Elliot's eyes went wide as he looked over at Amanda.

"You two wanna get married? Isn't it a little soon?" Elliot questioned.

"We aren't getting married right now, but in the future we might. We love each other, and Dominick wants to be Jimmy's father." 

"What about me?" Jimmy mumbled, since he had a lollipop in his mouth.

"We are just talking about Sonny being your father." Amanda replied softly.

"But I have a Daddy. I saw a little bit of Daddy tonight, but we were going to be late so he didn't come to see me." Jimmy explained.

"He's still your Daddy, but he isn't going to be around anymore... so Sonny will be around for you. Okay?"

"No! I want Daddy!" Jimmy screamed.

"Hey-" Elliot started, but Jimmy didn't care. He quickly ran from the room and upstairs to Emmett's bedroom.


Elliot and Olivia offered to keep Jimmy overnight, so Amanda let them have him so maybe he won't be so upset in the morning. 

Dominick helped to put Jenna down that night, before he climbed into bed with Amanda. He could hear her sniffling as she tried to compose herself, but it was hard. She wanted her kids to have a better relationship with her than she did with her parents. She wanted them to not hate her, but she was sure that Jimmy would hate her for the rest of his life.

"He'll forget that this ever happened and he will be back to being your sweet little Jimmy soon." Dominick whispered, as he slipped his arms around Amanda's body.

"I never should have let Declan back into his life. Because now this is all my fault. Declan can play the victim, and I will be the bad guy. As usual." Amanda sniffled, as she pulled Dominick's arms tighter around her body.

"Maybe you should talk to Declan and figure this all out. See if he plans on being in Jimmy's life, or if he's still gonna pick Kim or another chick over him."

"But I don't know if I can take what he'll say." Amanda whispered.

"You'll be fine, love. And I'll be here to help you process it all when you get home."


Amanda went to Declan's new apartment and knocked lightly on the door. She waited as patiently as she could, before Kim opened the door. 

"Hey, Mandy." Kim grinned, as she looked her sister over.

"Is Declan here, Kim?" Amanda sighed.

"Oh yeah, he's here. But I don't think he wants to see you." Kim smiled, as she her speech slurred a bit.

"Are you drunk or high? Or both?" Amanda frowned.

"I don't need to tell you... oh, Declan!" Kim called, as she swayed a bit as she turned and walked into the apartment. After a moment, Declan came to the door and rolled his eyes when he saw Amanda.

"What do you want?"

"If you are picking Kim over Jimmy, you are going to tell him. I'm not going to be the bad guy because you are a monster." 

"That's not going to happen, Amanda. You are the bitch in this situation, and you are hurting our kid just because you can."

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