{ Chapter Thirteen }

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Amanda tried her hardest to just avoid the idea of Declan bringing a date to her daughter's first birthday party, and she wished that she hadn't invited him now. She kept decorating and eventually got Jenna up and into her fancy birthday dress before heading back into the backyard. She stopped when she saw Declan standing next to a blonde, and no one looked impressed.

"Hey." Olivia spoke, as she grabbed Amanda's arm and turned her back around and forced her into the house.

"Who's his date?" Amanda asked, as she Olivia kept Amanda facing the living room, her back against the door.

"Honey, you don't wanna know." Olivia replied.

"I kinda need to know. He's Jimmy's father and if he's around Jimmy, so will his girlfriend." Amanda grumbled.

Olivia took Jenna from Amanda before taking a slow breath.

"Kim." Olivia breathed.


"Kim Rollins is his date. Your sister." Olivia frowned.

Amanda turned around quickly before seeing her sister hanging all over Declan.

"Fuck!" Amanda yelled. She quickly opened the door before stomping towards Kim and Declan.

"So I guess your type is sisters?!" Amanda spat.

"Hey, Mandy!" Kim grinned.

"Don't, Kim. Why the hell are you two together?! Kim is barely sober, let alone all the shit she has done. And I don't want her around my kids!" Amanda yelled, as her body shook.

"Amanda, if you are allowed to be with Sonny over there, then I'm allowed to be with Kim. You don't get a say about who I date." Declan replied with a huff.

"I get a say over who gets to be around my children, and Kim nor my mother are allowed around them. Kim, you need to leave... and honestly, you need to leave too, Declan." Amanda growled.

"Hey-" Declan started, but Elliot came to Amanda's rescue and stepped in between them.

"You heard her. Leave now, before I decide to kick your ass again."


Amanda was quiet during the rest of the party, and by the time it was time to go home, all she could think about was how Declan would have to pick between Kim and Jimmy. Jimmy already loved Declan, so if Declan picked Kim then Jimmy's heart would break into a million pieces.

"So what are you going to do?" Olivia asked, as she helped to pack up all of Jenna's gifts.

"I don't know... I'm not allowing Kim to be around my children. She has used me way too often and she is probably still using, even if she claims to be sober. She's Kim for God's sake... she's a monster and a pathological liar." Amanda grumbled.

"Do you think that Declan will pick Kim over Jimmy?" Olivia asked, and Amanda nodded slowly.

"I wouldn't be surprised... but at least Jimmy has Elliot and Dominick in his life. They are both great father figures, and Dominick isn't going anywhere." Amanda sighed.

"Are you going to talk to him about it-"

"Olivia, let's just not talk about this anymore. I'm upset enough as it is and don't need to feel even more horrible than I already do." Amanda whispered.

"We love you and will support you in whatever you decide to do." Olivia smiled gently as she reached out and grabbed Amanda's hand before squeezing it tightly.

"Thanks, Liv. It does mean a lot... we gotta get home. Jimmy and Jenna both need baths and I need wine."


Amanda didn't see Declan for a few weeks. He stayed away, and didn't show up until Halloween. Amanda was just walking out her building with Jenna and Jimmy in their costumes when he pulled up behind her car.

"Amanda!" Declan called, and Amanda turned around slowly before frowning deeply.

"What are you doing here?" Amanda asked, as she motioned for Dominick to get Jimmy into the car so he wouldn't see his father.

"I came to see my kid in his costume." Declan replied.

"Well, we are going out to Queens so we need to get going." Amanda replied, as she swayed with Jenna in her arms. The little girl was fussy and didn't like being stuck in her lady bug costume.

"I'll come. I bet he misses me." Declan said, as he moved to step past Amanda, but Amanda stopped him.

"You haven't been seen in like two weeks. We don't even talk about you here anymore. Jimmy is starting to forget you since you have really sucked lately."

"I'm sorry, but I had some stuff to think about."

"You were sleeping with my sister, Declan. You weren't thinking, you were fucking my sister. I know you too well. Now, go." Amanda grumbled before feeling Dominick's hand on her back.

"Sonny, back the fuck up." Declan spoke before Dominick even got the chance to say a thing.

"No, I won't be allowing you to hurt my girlfriend and the kids. You need to back up and go back to who you picked."

"I didn't pick Kim!" Declan yelled.

"Then why haven't Jimmy seen you in two weeks!" Amanda cried. 


"No, I don't want you around. So stay away from us." Amanda sniffled, before turning and moving to the car. She didn't hear what Dominick said to Declan, but she didn't want too. All she wanted was for Declan to not be flaky anymore.

For him to pick Jimmy over Kim.


"You look adorable, Jimmy!" Olivia grinned as she took a picture of Jimmy and Emmett as cowboys. 

"Thanks, Auntie Liv!" Jimmy grinned as he tipped his hat at his aunt. Dominick had taught him that, and Jimmy insisted on teaching it to Emmett as soon as they got there.

"So now we have two cowboys, Spiderman, two princesses, and a lady bug." Elliot smiled, as he came downstairs with all three of his daughters and Aiden.

The kids all posed together for pictures, and Aiden somehow managed to hold Jenna long enough for her to be included in the pictures. Dominick and Olivia were in charge of the pictures, so Amanda and Elliot were just standing to the side.

"Were you crying when you got here?" Elliot asked, and Amanda nodded slowly.

"Why?" Elliot asked, since Amanda wasn't using her words.

"Because Declan showed up and acted like he didn't just abandon our son so he could sleep with my sister... I'm just pissed off and I want to punch him."

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