{ Chapter Nine }

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Amanda was almost walking on clouds the next morning. She and Dominick didn't do more than kissing and talking last night, but knowing that he liked her too made her feel amazing.

Amanda went to Elliot's house around eleven to pick up the kids, and she wanted to talk to them about what happened. She had promised to be open and honest about her life, so that nothing became messy and throws off Jenna's life at all.

"Mama!" Jimmy yelled as soon as Amanda opened the front door. He went sprinting to his mother, before hugging her legs tightly.

"Hey, Jimmy. I missed you so much, baby." Amanda cooed as she squatted down before hugging her son tightly. They embraced for probably less than thirty seconds before Jimmy got bored and went to find his cousins.

"Wow, he clearly missed you." Elliot teased as he came down the stairs in his church clothes. Part of the agreement was that Elliot wanted Jenna to go to church on Sundays with his family, and Amanda really didn't see a problem with that. She was hoping that having strong religious beliefs would keep Jenna on a good path, and not follow the one that she was on for her entire life.

"That kid can't stand still for longer than a minute." Amanda chuckled. She moved over to Elliot and hugged him before sighing softly.

"So, how was your night alone?" Elliot asked, as he walked over and sat on the couch before starting to tuck a few of Jenna's pacifiers into her diaper bag.

"I wasn't alone, actually..." Amanda trailed off.

"What?" Elliot asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, so I need to talk to you and Liv about what happened. Is she here or-"

"I'm right here. Miss Jenna needed her diaper changed." Olivia spoke, as she came down the stairs with Jenna cradled in her arm.

"Hey, pumpkin." Amanda smiled, as she stood and walked over to Olivia. She took her daughter into her arms before holding her close and smoothing her silky blonde curls.

"So what do we need to talk about?" Olivia asked, as Amanda covered Jenna's cheeks in kisses as the little girl gurgled and tugged on her mother's hair.

"Amanda wasn't alone last night." Elliot sighed, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, so did you ask that guy out?" Olivia asked, and Elliot's eyes went wide as he looked at Amanda.



"No, I want to know who this guy is. I won't allow strangers to be around my baby. So tell me right now-"

"Hey! Stop being an ass!" Amanda huffed, as she lost that light and happy feeling.

"No-" Elliot started, but Olivia stopped him.

"Elliot, we can't keep her from dating. And she's getting better at judging character. So give her and this man a shot." Olivia spoke gently. Elliot shook his head before storming upstairs.

"It's Carisi. I spent all last night with Dominick Carisi. A good guy. One who is amazing with my children and even your kids. Elliot just has to be some jackass and assume that I spent my night with some bad guy... I didn't even sleep with Dom! We just talked and kissed, but it made me happy... he made me feel good about myself." Amanda whimpered.


Amanda went home in tears, while Elliot was upstairs completely pissed off. Olivia gave him time to cool off, but she didn't know if he needed a few minutes or a few hours to calm down enough to have a normal conversation.

So after putting her kids down for their naps, Olivia walked into her bedroom and shut the door tightly behind her.

"El." Olivia spoke gently, as she saw her husband sitting on the edge of the bed with his head hung.

"She is not going to date with Jenna in the house. If she wants to date, then we are getting Jenna for good. I won't have some toxic guy hurt Amanda in front of Jenna, or hurt Jenna. So that is the end of this fucking conversation." Elliot growled.

"Elliot, you didn't even hear who she was with last night. The guy that she spent all night talking too." Olivia sighed, as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"Oh I bet it was some drunk that can only think with his penis. And I bet she didn't talk to him all night. Moaning-"

"Okay, knock it the fuck off." Olivia finally broke. 

"Excuse me?" Elliot huffed.

"Amanda has changed. And I will not allow you to treat her like some whore. She is the mother of your daughter, and a friend. We work with her every day, so you better apologize to her. Especially since the guy she was with last night... he is an amazing guy. Better than any of the other guys she has dated in the past."

"Really?! I doubt it." Elliot laughed bitterly.

"Dominick Carisi." Olivia sighed, before leaving her bedroom to let her husband feel like a complete asshole in private.


The next day at work, Elliot knew he had to apologize to Amanda. He hated that he didn't listen to his wife and Amanda, but instead just attacked Amanda.

He walked in and found that Amanda was standing by the coffee pots and Dominick was right by her side. He was gently rubbing her back and clearly trying to comfort her, which was completely different from what many of the guys that Amanda has been with have ever done for her.

"Rollins?" Elliot asked nervously as he approached them.

"Elliot, I'm not in the mood to get yelled at again. Okay? Not now." Amanda breathed.

"Did something else happened? I can-"

"Leave me alone!" Amanda yelled. She quickly slammed her mug down before escaping the squadroom. Dominick frowned as he turned and looked at Elliot.

"Jimmy's father called her this morning. He wants to see Jimmy." Dominick frowned.

"What? Declan actually contacted her? He... he didn't want anything to do with Jimmy." Elliot breathed, as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"I guess he is retiring from being mostly undercover, and he wants to be around for Jimmy."

"Oh geez. Uh, a lot is happening around her right now... again." Elliot sighed.

"And Elliot, I'm not angry with you. I will protect Jenna, Jimmy, and Amanda. I'm not a bad guy."

"I know you aren't. So should one of us go after her?" Elliot asked, and Dominick shook his head.

"I think Liv should. So maybe text your wife and tell her that we need her ASAP. It's an Amanda emergency."

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