{ Chapter Twenty-Two }

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"You don't know? Dom, I thought, we agreed that we wanted kids together. That we wanted to give Jenna and Jimmy more siblings." Amanda frowned as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"I just don't know anymore, Amanda. A lot has happened since we made plans, and I think that we are good as just a family of four." Dominick replied, and Amanda realized that she had never been this shocked in her whole life.

"I want more kids." Amanda whispered.

"I don't think that you getting pregnant again would be wise, or that we should bring another kid into a world as crazy as this one. So-"

"I can't believe that you told me this on our anniversary! Dominick-"

"Please, Amanda. Let's just go to bed. The kids are going to be coming home tomorrow night and we need to get as much sleep as possible." Dominick sighed. 

Amanda shook her head and walked over to her dresser. She quickly pulled out a change of clothes before leaving her bedroom and slamming the door shut behind her.


Olivia had just finished doing her rounds when she heard her door being unlocked. She quickly opened Aiden's door again before grabbing his bat and heading downstairs. She took the stairs as carefully as she could, before swinging the bat back once she hit the first floor.

"Who's there?" Olivia spoke firmly, as she prepared herself to defend her family with just a wooden bat made for a child.

"It's me." Amanda sniffled as she turned on a lamp before turning and looking at Olivia.

"Amanda? What are you doing here?" Olivia asked with wide eyes.

"I can't sleep in the same house as Dominick. Not tonight... I don't know when I'll be able to sleep in the same bed with him again." Amanda whispered as she hastily wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Why?" Olivia asked, as she leaned the bat against the wall and quickly moved to her friend.

"He said he doesn't want to have more kids... he had to break this news to me on our anniversary! He doesn't want kids with me!" Amanda cried. Olivia frowned deeply as she wrapped her arms around Amanda and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sure he didn't mean that. He probably just isn't ready right now. Give him time-"

"He said that he doesn't think it's wise for me to get pregnant again, and he doesn't want to bring a baby into this crazy world... but guess what?! I want a baby! I want his baby! I want a baby with a man that I am actually madly in love with! I have dreamed of a day where I could hold a baby that looked like me and Dominick. One that I felt growing inside of me... one that was actually planned! But I'm going to lose out on that chance, and it breaks my heart!" Amanda sobbed after she pushed away from Olivia.

"Amanda, I'm so sorry. Maybe he'll change his mind... he can't say no to you, and you know that. He's just as in love with you as you are with him."

"No, he isn't. He clearly doesn't love me. And I feel like our whole relationship is a mistake. I'm gonna go to the station house or maybe a hotel. Maybe figure out a way to either pay for a divorce lawyer or-"

"You are not getting a divorce, Amanda!" Olivia exclaimed. Her voice traveled upstairs and Elliot woke up.

Once again, Amanda was freaking out and crying in their living room. At least this time she wasn't going to drop Jenna off and run.

"Why are you crying? What's happening?" Elliot yawned as he walked downstairs.

"Olivia, you can tell him. I'm not doing this again. I gotta go."

"Where are you going, Rollins?" Elliot asked, and Amanda swallowed hard as she brushed the tears from her cheeks.

"Anywhere but home."


Dominick had expected to wake up and find his wife sleeping on the couch. That she may have drank a bit but managed to calm herself down without running off, but he was wrong. He couldn't find his wife anywhere, so he got dressed and walked to Olivia and Elliot's house.

He didn't even have to knock on the door, because Olivia had seen him walking up the path.

"I think we need to talk." Olivia frowned.

"I'm assuming that Amanda came over here and cried to you about what we fought about? Olivia, it isn't that big of a deal. We are good with the kids we have. Jenna and Jimmy are handfuls, and I honestly think that we are set with two kids. Now, can I see her?" Dominick asked, and Olivia sighed and shook her head.

"She wants a baby, Carisi. One that she actually planned to have and with someone she actually loves. You told her from the beginning that you wanted to start a family with her, and that you wanted to give Jenna and Jimmy a brother or sister, maybe more. But then you change your mind out of the blue?"

"Olivia, it's not that simple-"

"For her it is. She just wants a baby with her husband. And you are an amazing father, and you'd continue to be to another baby."


"No. We aren't discussing this anymore together. I'm not your wife. I think she was going to the station. Call the desk officer and see if she showed up there. Then go and talk to her about this. About how her heart is breaking."


Dominick didn't really want to hash things out with his wife, but he knew that he probably should. That he should probably just get it over with. So he went to the station house and found his wife sitting in the cribs as she anxiously bounced her leg.

"Hey, love."

"Don't call me that." Amanda mumbled.

"Okay. Then what do you want me to call you? Because we gotta set some ground rules." Dominick teased, and Amanda shook her head.

"Do you not love me anymore?"


"Do you not love me anymore? Is that why you are changing your mind? Because if you don't love me, then just tell me!"

"Amanda Rollins, I love you so freaking much! You are the love of my life!"

"Then why don't you want to have a baby with me?!"

"I'm scared, okay?! I fucking scared!"

"About what?!" Amanda yelled back.

"That maybe this time you won't get lucky and you will fucking die!"

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