{ Chapter Nineteen }

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"What the hell am I doing here? Are you really asking me that?" Kim sighed as she went to push past her sister and into the house, but Amanda stopped her. She shoved her sister back a bit, before shutting the door to her house and making sure it was locked.

"I don't like you, Kim. I really don't think that I have ever truly liked you. So please, go away. For good. Just like your husband." Amanda smiled as she walked down the stairs slowly.

"He won't be going away for good, Mandy. He has to be out to take care of me and the baby."

"Kim, he shot me, Trevor Langan, and killed Judge Harrison. He murdered a New York Judge. That's a big deal." Amanda replied as she walked away from her sister. Kim quickly got to her side, before following her down the path and to the sidewalk.

"I don't want this parasite unless Declan can be out to raise it with me." Kim grumbled.

"Go back to Atlanta and raise the baby with Mama's help. Because there is no way in hell that I'll help you. And Declan is going to prison for the rest of his life. He won't be able to pull a valid excuse from his ass, no matter how hard he tries. Murdering a judge is a huge deal." Amanda frowned as she stopped and turned to look at her little sister.

Kim had always been annoying and always made huge mistakes that fucked everything up, and Amanda didn't want her sister around to mess things up for her even more than she already had. Amanda had plans on having a good life with Dominick, and she didn't need Kim's drama to fuck it up again.

"You should have given Jimmy to us. Then none of this would have happened. It's all your fault, Mandy. Not Declan's." Kim huffed. Amanda laughed bitterly as she grabbed her sister by her shoulders and dug her fingertips into her skin.

"Kim, I wouldn't trust you and Declan with a plant... let alone my child. You need to get it through your thick skull that nothing will be changing about this current situation. So you better figure out what you want to do, and how you want to do it, because Declan will never be helping you with that kid."


The courthouse was shut down for a week to mourn the loss of Judge Harrison, so every case was rescheduled. Declan's case didn't even have a date set before Judge Harrison's passing, so no one even knew when it would start.

So Amanda just started to push forward and live her life. She focused on her kids, job, and fiance while Declan got the shit beat out of him in prison.

"Oh, they finally set a date for Declan's trial." Dominick spoke, as he and his fiancee got ready for bed about two months after Declan decided to go crazy and shoot multiple people.

"Yeah?" Amanda asked, as she turned on the baby monitor so she and Dominick could hear Jenna if she woke up.

"Yeah, they set it for Monday."

"Like, this Monday? The fourteenth?" Amanda asked quickly, her eyes wide. She was praying that ADA Peter Stone would have enough time to prepare for the trial, because Declan didn't deserve to get out, because Peter didn't prepare enough or well enough to get him life in prison.

"Yeah. Liv called me and told me tonight." Dominick replied.

"Oh." Amanda breathed.

"Are you scared?" Dominick questioned, and Amanda nodded.

"I am terrified. I haven't seen nor talked to him in months. He still tries to call, but I always hang up when I hear his name." Amanda whispered as she climbed into bed. She slid closer to Dominick's side as he climbed in, so that he could hold her all night. 

"Don't be scared, Amanda. I will be there and I will hold your hand through it all. I promise." Dominick smiled gently, before he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"Do you think Kim will be there? I haven't seen her since the day I got released, and my Mama hasn't contacted me to tell me that she decided to move back to Atlanta or not."

"I guess that it will depend on how truly in love they were. If it was fake, she won't be there. But if it's a soulmate or true love thing, then she might be there."

"I can't imagine Kim having a soulmate. I wouldn't even be surprised if she gets rid of the baby as soon as it's born." Amanda sighed.

"Amanda, just don't get worked up about this all right now. We don't have to go to court until Monday, so let's just enjoy the rest of our weekend. Like how tomorrow, Olivia and Elliot will be taking our kids to church and we can spend the morning together."

"And I'm assuming that you have big plans for tomorrow?" Amanda teased weakly.

"I don't know. I guess it depends on how you are feeling."


On Monday morning, Amanda was up earlier than usual. She was anxious, but had been since the moment Dominick told her about the court date. She didn't know what would happen and had managed to stay out of the courthouse for the last two months because it was too daunting for her.

"Good morning, Rollins." Olivia spoke, as she walked into Amanda's house without knocking or even contacting her beforehand.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Amanda asked, as she turned around from the coffeepot and stared at her friend.

"I'm here to make sure that you get a good start to your morning."

"Are you making sure that I don't run or something? Because today my ex-boyfriend of sorts is on trial?"

"Yeah. Carisi has told me that you have been freaking out about this all, so I'm here to do my best to help you relax."

"You know what will help me relax?" Amanda asked.

"Uh, no?" Olivia breathed.

"If Declan would just admit to what he did and just deal with what is coming to him. I wish he'd stop playing the victim and just admit that he shot me and Trevor, and killed Judge Harrison."

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