"I'm trying to make lemonade, the elderly lady that leaves on the corner gave me some lemons from her tree that she has. Her name is Miss Fern, she noticed me getting new flowers and often them to me." She told him while squeezing a half of a lemon that made the juice get in her eye. "Ow!!! That's the third time I've done that." She said dabbing her eye with a cloth.

"Miss Evans you shouldn't talk to strangers like that." He told her as he watched her stir in sugar.

"She isn't a stranger I talk to every time I get flowers. She's a widow, has a sister in Surrey that's name is Mrs. Figgs. And her cat is name Socks." She reassured the man. "And you should really stop calling me that, just call me Olivia or Ollie, that's what the Weasleys call me." She smiled at him, took a taste of the lemonade. The lemonade her pucker her lips and close one eye.

The girl in front of him had clearly become comfortable with him by the causality laced in her words. "I will not call you that, but I will call you by your first name." He told her tightly and left the kitchen. She shrugged her shoulders wondering what his problem was, she returned to making the lemonade.

That Thursday night, she knocked on his study door. After Snape told her to come in, she came in holding the gift for the twins sister, some wrapping paper and a ribbon.

"Do you have any tape? I need to wrap this gift before I leave tomorrow, and I couldn't find any around the house." She asked him kindly.

Pulling some out of the drawer of the desk and sat down for her to get. Expecting her to leave and return the tape later, Snape looked up to see that she had take the tape but not to leave with it. The ginger girl sat down on the rug in the floor with all her things to wrap the gift. Furrowing his brow, "why are doing that in here?" He asked.

"I just figured I would so I don't forget the tape somewhere else. I misplace things often. But I always end up finding them. I just don't want to lost things that aren't mine." She replied to him with looking up. Olivia laid out the paper and placed the boxed gift on it. She carefully folded the edges and taped down sides. Snape observed the girl as she finished by tying a small yellow bow on the purple wrapped gift. He hadn't realized he was doing so until she looked up and smiled at him. "Not the best at wrapping, but not too bad of a job if I do say so myself."

Looking back at the paperwork on his desk, he said, "if you're finished just place the tape on the desk I'll put it up when I'm done."

Taking the hint to leave, she returned the tape and gather her things to leave. After she shut the door behind her, Snape tried to return his focus back to his work.

The next day she packed her trunk of all her things. She waited until Mr.Snape got home from work. Once he did, he reminded her to behave. After reassuring him she would she gathered her things and flooed to the Burrow, as Mr and Mrs Weasley instructed her to.

Once she was gone the house was eerie quiet, Snape noticed. Leaving his study he went to the kitchen to have dinner. On the small table there was a lemon tart with a note.

I'm not sure if you like lemon tarts or if it's any good. But I made you one with the leftover lemons I had, hope you enjoy it!

See you at school!

He bit into the tart, which was surprisingly good.

At the Burrow, Olivia was greeted by many faces when stepping out of the fireplaces. All the faces belong to redheads of course, but it was the two identical faces that greeted her first with hugs.

"Boys! I've missed you!!" She cheered as she let go of her things to hug them back. Releasing their necks she turned to introduce herself the rest of the family.

"It's so nice to see you dear!!" Said Mrs Weasley that she recognized from last year at Kings Cross. The older woman hugged Olivia. She then faced a older man with lopsided glasses and a warm smile. He held his hand out to shake.

"Pleased to finally meet you Olivia, I've only heard good things about you from my boys. I'm Arthur Weasley." Said the man after shaking her hand.

"Charlie help Olivia with her things, I hope you don't mind dear but You'll be staying in Ginnys room with her." Molly told Olivia

"That's fine with me, thank you Ginny for sharing your room with me, that's awfully nice of you." Olivia said as she looked at the little girl she could only assume was Ginny, who smiled back to her.

"Of course you already know Percy and Charlie from school, this is Ronald, he's our youngest boy." Molly told her, while she tried to wipe some dirt off the young boys nose.

"Mum stop it" Ron mumbled.

"Alright, fine" she told her son, "just make yourself at home, I'll have dinner ready in a little while" Molly told her before headed off to the kitchen.

There was a tapping sound from the kitchen and Molly returned, "Olivia this just arrived for you." She told the girl and handed her a small letter. The woman left the room.

Olivia opened the parchment and found one two words write on it, with no name.

Thank you.

Was all the paper said, she smiled to herself and put it in her pocket. She knew who it was from.

Looking around she couldn't help but noticed how different Cokeworth was to the Burrow. Cokeworth was plain and boring while the Burrow was full of life and color. From the kids drawings to the huge clock that had all the Weasleys on the hands of it, this actually felt like a home.

"So Ollie, tell us who did you miss more? I know it was me of course, so try to break it to Fred easily

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"So Ollie, tell us who did you miss more? I know it was me of course, so try to break it to Fred easily." George said throwing an arm over the girls shoulders.

Fred also threw an arm on her shoulders of the other side of Olivia. "Oh stop being a git you know she missed me more George."

With both the boys waiting for her reply, she smiled sweetly at them. "Boys, let's be honest, I missed Percy the most." Percy who didn't look at all amused by her words, left only the twins who laughed hard enough for him.

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