Chapter Fifteen: Big Decision for a Little Boy

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It seemed like just a minute later, Namjoon was shaking him awake.

"Jungkook? Decision day, bud, you gonna sign the contract?" His voice was teasing but Jungkook realized it betrayed nervousness.

He groaned, and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Come on," Namjoon slapped his thigh affectionately, "Jin is frying pork belly, just for you,"

Jungkook realized he could smell it, and was soon tucking in bacon and eggs. Jin was a good cook, he thought to himself. Obviously not as good as Mama, but... he wouldn't starve.

"So listen, Jungkook." as he ate, he found himself faced with Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin. "All jokes aside, we really want you." Hoseok and Yoongi were nodding. "No one else here can sing, like, at all, and definitely not like you can. We need you." He sat back in his chair. "Do you think you are going to sign?"

Jungkook was automatically nodding, already nodding, and yet the thought of every night being like last night made him want to run. He both wanted with all his heart to be a part of these boys and didn't want it almost as strongly. His heart was heavy and his mind whirled.

He realized the phone in his pocket was buzzing, and he answered it.


"Jungkookah? Was it okay last night?"

"Yeah, yeah it was fine," he lied.

"Are they feeding you?"

"Yes, yes, Jin is a really good cook, we just had breakfast."

"We are supposed to meet at Big Hit in a few hours, to sign the contract, are you ready?"

"Yep," he said curtly. She was silent on the other line for a minute.

"Okay, Jungkookah, see you soon, son, I love you."

"I love you, Mama," he said softly, to smirks from around the room. Jesus, no alone time ever, he realized again with a stab.

And yet time seemed to slip by, out of his hands, and the moment was there. They were about to walk into the room with PD Bang and PDogg and he was about to sign a two year contract. And if he succeeded, it was just the first two years of the rest of his life.

Mrs. Jeon:

They stood in the hallway, outside PD Bang's office. She could see the contract seeming to shine white on his desk.

Jungkook was leaning up against the wall in the hallway, glancing to the contract and back down the hallway again. He looked terrified, shaking, trapped between a rock and a hard place.  He looked like he was about to run...   She couldn't let him walk in there without talking to him one more time.

"Ah, Bang-shi, me and Mr. Jeon need to spend a few minutes with Jungkook... before...ah... can we just have like ten minutes to talk to him alone?" She realized she was rambling but Bang PD was just smiling at her.

"Of course," said the kindly man.

She grabbed her son's hand and the Jeons marched out of the building.

She kept walking, in silent agitation, until they got to a small park. She threw herself down on the park bench, Jungkook sat beside her, and Mr. Jeon sat on his other side.

"Jungkookah, is this really what you want?" she spoke feverishly, gesticulating madly. "It's not too late to change your mind. Say the word and we will go back to the hotel, check out and get a train straight back to Busan. You could be waking up in your own bed tomorrow and eating breakfast with Junghyun."


Jungkook listened to her words, to her pleading. He thought about how much he hated the idea of living in a room with seven boys, how much he would miss Junghyun, how much he vowed himself never to undress in front of these boys, even if he never showered again...

And yet when he thought of waking up in Mandeok-dong and going back to Baekyang Middle School...

"No," he said clearly. He met her eyes, "I don't want that." Her face was emotional, and tears came to his eyes too. He found honesty spilling from his lips. "I'm terrified, Mama. Of course I just want to go home and play in the river and play video games with Junghyun..." his eyes cast around desperately, but then settled back on her, steady. "But I can't."

"Yes, you can, Jungkook!"

"No," he was sure in his words. "No, I can't do that anymore. That isn't who I am, and it's killing me, Mama." He locked tearful eyes on her. "No matter how scared I am and how much this makes me want to run, it's a chance, and I have to take it. I have to take the chance to be more than I can become in Busan." He took her hand, looked straight into her eyes, and made her see the truth in his.

Her eyes were filled with tears but she nodded, and hugged him, and they walked back to Big Hit together.

This time Jungkook did not hesitate in the hallway. He walked into Bang PD's office, looked him in the eye and said: "Where do I sign?" 


Author Note:

That's it, the end!  He signed with Big Hit and the rest is history!  Ahhhhhh

Please read onto the final part of this story, the epilogue which I am completely obsessed with!  

Thank you so much Lovely Spectacular ARMYs for enjoying this story with me!



Begin:  A Jungkook Story ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें