Chapter Fourteen: 6 - 4 - 11

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Before he knew it, it was dawn, and his Mom was shaking him awake.

"Time to get ready, Jungkookah, the train is at 7:15."

When they slipped out the door a short time later, his Mom said: "Do you want to say goodbye to Junghyun?"

Jungkook glanced up the stairs, thinking of his brother and how they had just said goodnight a few hours before, after Junghyun stayed up with him all night so that Jungkook wouldn't be nervous on his last night at home...

"No, it's okay," he said, as he blinked tears from his eyes, "we said goodbye last night."

Jungkook stood in the doorway of his house in the small town of Mandeok-dong that had been his entire world before now. His parents were getting into the car, packed with luggage.. Jungkook looked around his house, hesitating with his hand on the knob. The next time I come home, I'll be a visitor, he thought. Tears welled up in his eyes again, but he wiped them with the back of his hand, and shut the door.

Mrs. Jeon:

The stages of a 5 hour train ride with Jungkook included; him laying his head in her lap and sleeping for almost 2 hours... waking up hungry. After eating he was excited and disappeared to explore the train. After exploring he came back and talked with excitement for a while.. In the last hour, nervousness started to set in and he started to pace around the train car nervously and lean back and forward in his seat.

"We are almost there, Jungkookah," she reassured him, as she sensed his nervousness and anxiety mounting.

And then they were; they were there.


It seemed like a blur: PDogg, there holding a sign with Jungkook's name, shaking his hand, Jungkook trying to make words of politeness come out. Following him to the car, sitting in the backseat with his Mom while his Dad chatted with PDogg in the front. She grabbed his hand and gave him a nervous smile.

Jungkook's stomach gave a rumble so deep that PDogg heard it from the front seat and glanced back to Jungkook with a chuckle.

"Did you guys have lunch?"

"No, I'm sure Jungkook is probably getting hungry actually," his Dad winked at him, and Jungkook knew he was just as hungry, and giggled nervously.

PDogg flipped open his phone and pushed a button, holding it to his ear for a second... "Ah Bang-shi, you want to come meet us at Madam Wong's with Rap Monster to meet Jungkook and speak to his parents?" He paused, listening.

"Yeah they just got off the train, they are hungry, would it work to meet and talk there?" He was nodding and soon he stopped the car in front of a Chinese Restaurant.

"Let's eat here, this is one of the boys favorite places to come after practice," he said with a smile. "They have really good fried chicken. the boys tell me," he said, a hint of embarrassment on his face along with a grin.

He sat nervously at the table with his parents and PDogg, and before he knew it, the familiar face of Rap Monster was coming toward him. He was much taller than Jungkook had realized on the tape, and he moved with confident grace. Jungkook was stumbling to his feet and realized a chubby, short man with a kind, smiling face was following behind Rap Monster.

"Bang Sihyuk," the man reached first for his Fathers hand, and then his mothers, before taking Jungkook's own in his hand and shaking it.

"Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you at last," he was saying.

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