Chapter Nine: Heartbreaker

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It was glorious summer and Jungkook spent every day playing with his friends: swimming at the river, playing Badminton, playing video games and listening to music. As August flew by, he tried not to think about how, soon, school would start, and he would be stuck in his desk all day. The idea gave him so much dread that he shoved it down and away.

One evening, Jungkook was watching one of his favorite shows with his family. It was where all the Kpop artists debuted and promoted their songs. Jungkook loved hearing all the new songs right away. His brain absorbed the song melody, lyrics, the band name, the singers in the band... It was fun, all those facts catalogued away inside him, ready to pull out when he wasn't sure what to say when he was playing with a friend and especially talking to older kids.

Today it was G Dragon performing his new song "Heartbreaker". Jungkook had heard some songs by him on the radio but he had never seen him perform on TV. As the song started, there was a close up on a handsome, thin face under a shock of white-blonde hair. His eyes seemed to look straight into Jungkook's, right through the camera, and Jungkook swallowed.

"Wow Junghyun, look! He is so cool," he found himself saying impulsively.

The song started, his voice was haunting and the way he spit out the rap sections made a beat in Jungkook's heart, the rhythm of the rap was like a pulse inside him, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the handsome charismatic singer, or the way his lips moved with the song. Jungkook's mouth fell open into a soft O as the song continued, the lithe singer bounced on the stage, and Jungkook's eyes watched him hungrily. The song making a pulse in his diaphragm, the dance bouncing his body, the emotions of the lyrics moving his heart. Jungkook longed to do that, suddenly. To pulse like that in three different ways, and to look so cool doing it.

"Wow Mama look at him! This song is amazing." Jungkook said excitedly.

When the song finished he sat patiently through the next two performers until the show ended. Junghyun turned the TV onto a mystery drama that he liked and Jungkook hated... and Jungkook found himself running to the computer in his room, and pulling up more of G Dragon's songs on YouTube.

He felt a prickly heat inside him as he stared at GDragon's handsome face...he found his eyes moving over his thin frame and his grace as he danced. He didn't understand his feelings but he knew he wanted to be like and handsome...

This started the era of Jungkook being completely obsessed, first with GDragon, then with other Kpop bands, and then with singing and rap and dancing overall. Every dinner time was filled with facts about GDragon and his songs, Jungkook's eyes lit up with joy...

Jungkook's Mom:

"Jungkookah?" She found the boy bouncing around his room singing along to the GDragon Heartbreaker music video on youtube, as he had spent many such hours over the last 2 weeks.

He didn't hear her at first and she watched him bounce to the beat, jumping in rhythm, the joy on his face, the song spilling from his lips, now memorized in perfect harmony. She tried not to let her heart break at bridling this spirit into a desk, yet again, despite feeling like it was killing him.

"Jungkookah?" He stopped and heard her now and jumped over to her, grabbed her, pulled her to dance with him and sing with him. She laughed and danced along for a minute, making him laugh with joy, and hug her.

Begin:  A Jungkook Story ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin