Chapter 2

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I was the only one paying attention to the game. Lindsey was too busy flirting with a guy named Andrew she met. That's just Lindsey for you. Sometimes I wonder how we're even friends. "Lindsey, would you play?" I said, finally annoyed. She always does this. "No, I'm too busy chatting with Andrew." she made herself clear by saying that. "You mean flirting?" I shot back. She just rolled her eyes. "Anyways, what's your favorite color?" she asked him. "Blue, but I actually want to play." he said, sounding annoyed by all the questions.

"Oh." she said, sounding kind of disappointed. "but we could always catch up later," he said smiling. "Im always okay with that" she said happily. "let's just play the game" I said. How could she get a guy and I can't? I thought in my mind. Wait, why do I even care? Guys are worthless. Lindsey spiked the ball over the net, rolling away towards the water. "Wow, good hit!" Andrew said, giving her a highfive. "Yeah, for once you did good" I agreed. "I know, I'm impressed myself. Now go get the ball, Alison" Lindsey said. "Why do I have to? You're the one who hit it."

"I'm too lazy." she answered. "yup, she's back to her old self again." I ran to get the ball, but as I reached down to get the ball, some handsome looking teenager got it for me. "Here you go" he said, throwing me the volleyball. "thanks" I said. "Not a problem. I'm Justin." he said, reaching his hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Alison, but you can call me Ali. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Justin Bieber?" it's true, he really does, the funny thing is his name is Justin. He laughed. "Well that's because I am" he replied. "what, no way? Don't joke with me here." "I'm not. I truly am." I couldn't believe it. I was standing face to face with a huge celebrity. I just stood there, mouth open like an idiot. "So are you a fan of me'l he asked. I must be dreaming. Justin Bieber couldn't be talking to me. Besides, shouldn't he be in California?

"Yeah, I'm a huge fan. I live for your music." "Well, that means a lot to me. Hey, I think you should get back to the game. It was nice meeting you." he turned to leave, but something was telling me to stop him from going.

"Wait! Do you want to play with us?" Please say yes, I thought. "Sure, why not? A few rounds of vball with a friend and her friends wouldn't hurt." Ohhh emmm geee, did Justin Bieber just call me his friend? Now I know I must be dreaming.

*Justin's PoV*

I couldn't get this girl off of my mind. But why? I just met her. We just hung out at the beach for a little while, and that's about it. Was it because she was funny, sweet, kind? Or was it because she was beautiful. Oh my gosh was she beautiful. Those sparkly hazel eyes, her long curly brown hair with a torquois streak in it. Soo pretty! Plus that bathing suit she was wearing really made her eyes pop. I just gotta say, I really hope I see her again.

Luckily, after a day of hanging out with her I got her cell number. Her friend Lindsey thought, she's just plain weird. No offense, but this chick was the weirdest girl I've ever met.

Anywho, I was texting her for at least ten minutes. I think she might like me back, hopefully.

text convo:

Me: Hey

Ali: Sup superstar?

Me: Hahah not much, just textin u

Ali: Sounds fun

Me: Haha, sorta wadabout u?

Ali: Workin on writing songs

Me: U write songs?

Ali: Always hav, always will

Me: Oh cool, I gotta hear u sometime

Ali: When tho? I'm pretty sure I mite never see u again

Me: Never say never, Ali. Haha but do u want to see me again?

Ali: Yeah, but...

Me: Then we're gunna see each other again

Ali: But how and when?

Me: Just trust me, Ali. Good night.

*end of convo*


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