Chapter Ten

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     Error 404 was created specifically to excel against Error in combat. He didn't succeed, but he's still on that same level of godhood. Nightmare was never able to beat Error by himself, and Dust never even tried. Alloy has had little combat experience. Yet, the three ready for a fight. 404 doesn't give them time to regroup. He attacks again right after the blasters. This time, strings lash out in attempt the latch onto their souls.

     "WHEn theE stRings are grEen oN the ENds, theY caN gET at your cOdes. DonN't let them touCH yUO!" Alloy shouts over the din. He quickly morphs into a puddle of ink and does a few sporadic hops until he jumps over 404 and reforms. Alloy is trying to use his brush to get a good hit. The enemy clearly saw it coming, and  scoffs. 404 uses his strings and grabs Broomie, flinging Alloy unceremoniously off into the empty space. So much for that.

    Dust is suddenly there. His knives are designed for close combat, something Error was not fond of. 404 seems to be caught a little surprised when Dust gets so close, but smoothly dodges his blows. Then, the villain cranks back a fist and slams it straight into Dust's face. That is definitely not one of Error's moves. As soon as Dust is clear, and onslaught of tar-coated bones shoot up from the ground. These ones are not blunt, but sharp enough to pierce nearly anything with enough force. 404 is slower to react to these, but his eyes give him the advantage. He sees the bones before they leave the ground. One rips 404's jacket sleeve as he spins away. Dust launches back up, but he's batted away like a twig.

     404 did not see Alloy get up. The young god came up behind 404 and sent paint flying at their back. This paint is not the horrible burning red, but pink. It's painful, but won't eat away at bone like red does. 404 grunts when it hits. At the same time, Nightmare's gotten close enough to stab him through the shoulder with a tentacle and pull Dust clear. Alloy joins them some distance away. Error 404 looks down at his shoulder that his now heavily bleeding. The paint makes an audible sizzling on his back.

     "Ouch, I guess. Does that hurt?" 404 looks genuinely unsure. Nightmare then remembers what Ink wrote about 404's indestructibility. Killing him would take a horrifying amount of damage. If Error had gotten close to that when they fought, nothing 'small' like a blood-gushing shoulder will compare as far as pain goes. Nightmare shudders. Nothing should be able to live through that. Is this fight winnable? If so, what would be the cost?

     404 quickly tires of their staring. His shoulder is hardly a bother, and he still uses both arms without trouble despite the new stains on his otherwise pure white coat. 404 lashes out both his hands and sends out strings. Alloy sees the green tips right away. He leaps in front of Nightmare and Dust to catch them on is brush. He brandishes Broomie with both hands and catches the threads. A second set of scratches dig into the wood. Alloy didn't register that some strings were missing. 404 has been learning from their few fights before. Most of his strings were caught on Broomie, but a few curve up and around.

When those thin threads eat into Alloy's chest, he collapses to one knee. The wind is knocked out of him and he can't breath. Broomie clatters to the ground. Alloy coughs and heaves, shaking. This unbearable pain burns his insides. The strings burrow around in his codes, trying to find and rip out his soul. It terrifies him to wonder what might happen. Dust shouts and bends down, trying to keep Alloy up. Nightmare howls in rage and uses one tentacle to snap 404's strings. Alloy immediately sags in relief what they deteriorate.

Error 404 smiles again now that he's gotten a good hit on Alloy. Everything will be easier once Error is out of the picture. A golden, blazing arrow catches him off guard. It flies in from the corner of the his vision and savagely buries itself into his side. 404 whips around to be met with the end of a giant mallet.

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