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In a time forgotten......

     Ink, the Creator of AUs, has had enough of his counterpart. Error destroys and destroys without reason. The multiverse is young, but how will it ever progress if Error is killing off all his hard work? No, this has to stop, and Ink has finally come up with the perfect solution. All he needs is a little time, and maybe a bit of ink for his massive paintbrush. Error won't know what hit him.

     Error opened a portal back into the Anti-void, broken and bleeding from several severe injuries. In fact, he's expecting to dust in an hour or so. His body isn't as strong as his pain tolerance. What was that squid thinking!? His crazy plan wouldn't have solved anything! Error can't die, but the AUs certainly can. From what he saw, Ink's plan backfired on him as well. No matter. Error's dealt with it now. He's always been the better fighter. Even those born with natural ability can't compete with his experience. Error will make sure that something like this never happens again.

In the New Age.......

       Now, the God of Balance has to admit that he felt bad for avoiding the others. In fact, a large part of him misses their company.

     There's just been so much to do and so much to fix that he just never got around to visiting. The Creator and Destroyer had not been doing their jobs well at all. It was only a matter of time until something horrible happened. Not even Alloy does the job completely alone. His whole AU is right behind him, keeping an eye out for bugs, glitches, and anything else that he might have to fix. The Creator only made the worlds. The Destroyer only broke down the worlds that were the biggest threat. Neither did anything for the lives in between. Alloy can prevent worlds from ever getting close to touching if he just gets there soon enough.

His duty to the multiverse comes before all, but Alloy has also been trying to learn. He's only just above three months old, and still occasionally makes bad decisions. He's still yet young and naive. Too trusting. His first impression of Nightmare and his boys did nothing to make him more wary.

As Alloy has gone about his job, he slowly became aware that something was wrong. He was...... forgetting something. Something important. All the while, he could vaguely sense the other balances shifting. His soul is extremely sensitive to everything that goes on in his multiverse. Alloy knew for a fact that this wasn't the doings of the other gods. They had all been hesitant to do much of anything when they don't know how Alloy would react. He's not on any one side like his two components were.

     When Alloy finally senses a clear disturbance, he doesn't hesitate to drop what he's doing and rip open a portal. He doesn't quite realize what it is until he gets there. The multiverse is full of AUs. Much like the Doodlesphere, they all must be spaced out and kept from touching. This leaves a lot of empty space. Alloy's portal takes him just outside of a world's boundaries, into that empty space. The codes can be accessed from this point. The Destroyer could kill off worlds from the outside, but that meant letting the monsters fall into the void. No one deserves a death like that. Alloy has very little experience in this place.

     What surprises him is to see another skeleton standing here at the code's edge. Their back is to Alloy when he lands. The stranger's clothes are mostly white and blue, with the white coat tail ending just above his ankles. The bright blue markings seem to almost glow with a techno theme. He's taller than Alloy and has the hood of his coat pulled up. When they turn to face the god, Alloy is immediately caught off guard by the black lines trailing down from his eyes. The sockets are empty without any pupils. Alloy almost reaches up to touch the black tear makes under his own eye.

"Error! I've been waiting for you," the stranger's face stretches into a too- wide smile, "Did you really think that you could hold me forever? All it took was a bit of a lapse in concentration, and your prison has failed!" He laughs at his enemy, reveling in victory. He won't be tricked again.

"Who arE you?" Alloy asks softly. He isn't Error. Anyone should be able to see that with a glance.

The other skeleton pauses at that. His voice didn't quite sound right, and Error should be horrified that he's been released. They squint their empty eye sockets to try and get a better read on the codes. Error's soul is definitely there, but Fate's chains are missing. Worse, the longer that he looks, the more foreign code he notices. "What are you!?" they spit out.

"Oh! my naMe is AllOy! The God of BalaNce," He cheerfully introduces himself and smiles at the other. Alloy loves meeting new people.

"Balance?........." the strange skeleton trails off. Their smile drops for a moment, but the comes back even more fractured than before. He starts to giggle, then he begins to laugh hysterically. Alloy takes a step forward in concern. The stranger stops laughing and snaps their head to focus back on Alloy. "Are you another one of Inky's 'solutions'? Hehehe..... we're both just tools, you and I....."

Alloy is caught off guard by all that. "I dOn't thiNk you undErsTand. I'm nOt-"

"Unfortunately, you'll just get in my way. Let me end your suffering"

Before Alloy can do anything else, he's face to face with a Gaster Blaster, charged and seconds from firing.

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