Destiny's Never Amiss

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Last one!

The office was filled with hushed tones, ringing phones and silent typing. Juna took three seconds to massage her neck before tapping speedily at her computer again. This was the eleventh email she had constructed after having to reorganize an entire spreadsheet of endless numbers and names. Something she normally wouldn't have to do but it had been passed to her after her coworker made errors.

For that she wished she could at least slouch in her seat right now. Unfortunately, the office was designed to have open work spaces. There were walls to separate neighboring desks but wide open where there weren't any. In Juna's case she was only blessed with two walls. Her back was exposed to two other work clusters and the roomy walk way. Always leaving an eerie prickling up her spine—at least when she thought too much about it. After all, not all work encounters were pleasant.

On the bright side, her lunch break was coming up. All she needed was to wrap the email up with a closing statement, words of thanks, and sign.

Send and done!

A quiet sigh emerged from her satisfied grin until she felt her hunger creeping in. Without hesitation Juna scooped up her purse and headed toward the break room.

The break room was massive. No. It wasn't a break room. It was a café. Before the company expanded again, everyone was dining in a real break room. There was a kitchen, a few sofas and some tables. But this! Most of the room was white except for one wall which was accented with a wooden texture. Which matched the tables well. Along the longest wall was where we could order food and drinks. There was still a kitchen area, but most people bought their food now. Next to that were two lounging areas, each with their own TVs. And of course the dining area was the largest area. Not even Juna's shared apartment was this big.

She sat herself on a table closest to an exit, before unloading her lunch box from her purse. As she removed the lid, the delicious smell hit her nose. Early in the morning she prepared gimbap and mandu for her lunch. In a little plastic bag held a handful of juicy red cherries. Juna tied her hair back in a temporary mess before digging in. The dumplings were cold, but she didn't mind.

Every now and again her eyes looked up to those who were also filing in during their breaks while others left at the end of theirs. Everyone seemed to be well acquainted with each other except for her. It was like being at school in America all over again. Except this time she didn't mind the isolation. She learned that working hard for approval wasn't worth the energy. And making connections became a burden eventually anyway. Her current circle was enough for her. Min Joo, Kyung Soo, Myung Hee.

Juna casually surveyed the room once more, cheeks puffing out. The woman froze. Her eyes wide, jaw hanging.

"Oh no!" She mumbled with a full mouth.

Across the room was one of her old coworkers, Dong Sun. He once was her desk neighbor in the previous building and was relocated to a different department when the switch happened. The man gave off the vibe that he had been interested in her. It was such a relief when he switched departments. Unfortunately, they ran into each other last week. He asked a lot of questions that she knew would lead to some kind of proposal to spend time together. It was an awkward meeting that she tried her best to be as vague as possible in her answers. She escaped making any agreements then, but she wasn't in the clear yet. He looked to be searching the cafe for someone.

There was no room for risk. Juna picked up her things—her purse in one hand, her lunch box in the other—and scurried for the exit. She pushed herself against the wall and peaked back in to make sure he hadn't seen her. She watched as he got closer and closer to where she'd been sitting. It seems he was losing hope, which naturally inflated her own.

You Wonderful You [[Hiatus]]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang