No More Dream

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The voices of children at play surrounded a school yard but none were in sight. Two large trees nestled a single picnic table at the center of a circle of dirt. The sun's bright beams spilled through the treetops, sprinkling the dirt with speckled drops of gold within the tree's shade. Other surrounding trees stood in groups outside the dirt's perimeter where the luscious grass grew. But Juna didn't mind them. The sound of a weeping child echoed around her. She turned, searching her surroundings for the sad child. When she turned a full circle and came to face the table again, she was there. The child.

A cloud of bees buzzed energetically in circles around her but Juna didn't mind them. Instead, she sat next to the little girl. "What's wrong?" She asked sympathetically.

The little girl looked up at her, her face distorted with hurt. She brought up her finger which was swollen. She'd been stung. "I th-thought they wanted to be f-friends!" She blabbered.

Juna's heart ached for her. She then addressed the bees around them, her tone stern, "ya! You think you're so tough stinging a little girl? Beat it!" The woman flicked one bee at full force. It's wing fluttered to the ground while it's body projected elsewhere. The other bees scattered and fled. She looked toward the little girl again. "Don't worry from now on okay? They won't hurt you anymore." Then Juna noticed the little girl was wearing a familiar gold colored bracelet. She looked down at her own wrist where a silver version was clasped. "What's this? We have complimenting bracelets! This means we're best friends!" The little girl's smile was tiny but the brightest she'd ever seen.

A song played in the distance. Juna looked towards it, but she wasn't sure where it was coming from.

"Come on!" A voice said next to her. She flinched and was surprised to find Min Joo. Except she looked like she did as a teenager. Juna also noticed they were both wearing high school uniforms. "It's our song!"

Min Joo pulled her friend up to the table and the two danced to the upbeat tune. At times they busted planned choreography they did for fun, but they mostly hopped to the fiery beat. As the two continued to dance, Juna looked down to find that the table beneath changed colors with every step they took. Her eyes and smile went wide. "Look!" The two girls exclaimed their amazement at the magic happening around them. The air filled with their joy, laughter and music. It was easy to get lost in the moment. The surrounding trees outside the dirt leaned away, but she didn't mind them.

A tap at her shoulder came.

Juna looked and found an older Min Joo. The music was gone, the sky over cast. Her friend dressed professionally, a huge smile on her face. The woman proceeded to wave before reaching to cover her eyes.

Everything turned black. Juna waited for Min Joo's hands to move until she realized her eyes had been closed on its own. She opened them slowly. The smile on her face disappeared. Somehow she was out of her body and watching herself from close by. She watched herself seated alone at the same table, by the same two trees, surrounded by the same dirt under the same overcast sky. The distance closed. Panning around until her doppelganger was seen scribbling little messages on leaves. The bland table was covered in leaves with words written on them. She kept herself busy.

When she finished another leaf, a fresh one landed in front of her. She looked down at it then up at the tree to her right with a small smile. "Go ma wo," she thanked before continuing. Time seemed to pass without much indication. Juna just sensed this had been going on for the course of many days. Leaf after leaf came and her other self seemed content with her new hobby. With the help of her most supportive tree of course. Even when the days brought light showers and the warm smell of rain pierced her nose, not a drop had touched her head.

Juna's twin finished yet another leaf of words that she added to the growing pile. Something she came to feel proud of. An unexpected hope for a bright future, potential. She reached for her next green page. But only felt a bare spot on the table. A drop of water made a cold landing behind her hand.

You Wonderful You [[Hiatus]]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें