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The dance studio echoed with beat counts, shoe squeaks and Hoseok's endless supply of rhythmic 'pah pah pah's. The choreographer allowed most of the group a rest while he worked more closely with Jin and RM. The man was not easily satiable when it came to executing dance. Yoongi knew well. Dancing strictly was never part of his plan when he joined BTS. A lot of things about their career were not planned, but he was getting used to that fact now.

Yoongi glanced up at the hard working group. He breathed a scoff of amusement that was barely noticeable. He'd never admit it aloud but he always found it heartwarming whenever Hoseok would stick around to help others practice when he didn't need to work so hard. But one should expect as much from their dance leader.

He returned his attention to his phone, his legs crossed, one of them sluggishly twisting his chair left and right. The rapper, deep in thought, spent every free moment jotting down notes and song ideas into his phone.

Meanwhile, the youngest sat across the room from Yoongi, slouched in a similar chair they'd taken from the staff. Jungkook, like his hyung, was completely immersed in his phone. However, rather than writing music, the youngest had a passion for MMPORPGs. His fingers tapped excessively at the screen, shooting virtual enemies. Music blared through the white room but the gamer's focus could not be broken.

It wasn't long before a mouth watering smell floated through the studio. Jungkook could feel his mouth beginning to water, his stomach growled in response. He held out until his hunger finally broke his focus. His character dropped lifelessly in a virtual forest scene.

"Aish." The young man dropped his head back in defeat.

Being brought back to reality he looked toward the smell when he saw Myung Hee unloading packages onto the table while Jimin leaned over to get a good whiff. JK sat up straight with a hope to get early access to their lunch. He considered walking over until he noticed an unfamiliar face who began to serve the staff coffee. The maknae looked over to those practicing choreo. He leaned back in his chair again, now deciding it was only fair to wait for the others.

"Suga-hyung, let's eat." RM passed, his breathing labored.

Yoongi blinked up to find those who had been dancing heading for the far side of the room. "Oh." He made sure to save his notes before rolling his chair towards the others. On the way he clashed with Jungkook.

"Oh!" The maknae turned, startled.

"Ya, Jungkookie," Yoongi scoffed, "why are you going backwards?"

JK explained with his doe like eyes, "It's faster that way." He then demonstrated by proceeding to walk his chair backwards, passing his hyung.

The childlike display softened Yoongi's otherwise usual serious demeanor. His teeth peeking from behind his lips. Inspired by the youthful energy, Yoongi threw his feet to the ground to propel himself forward in an attempt to race the younger man. Jungkook broke out in laughter but easily kept his first place position. As was expected of the Golden Maknae. Knowing full well he couldn't beat him, Yoongi leaped off his chair to push JK off course several feet before running to the finish line. He celebrated with his aegyo voice and gummy smile. Jungkook walked the rest of the way, a good sport.

Jimin chuckled at the two as they joined in with everyone else. "The new face got you both acting cute huh?"

"New face?" Yoongi inquired.

Manager Kim started their meal off with a few words before turning the time over to Myung Hee. It was only then that Yoongi realized the woman next to Myung Hee wasn't one of their staff. At least, she would be soon anyway. Her posture seemed confident enough but her eyes were noticeably avoidant of him and the rest of Bangtan. She must've been nervous but didn't want to show it which was understandable. Everyone starts that way.

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