THIRTY FOUR || Butterfly Messages

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Persephone balanced herself onto her tiptoes as she reached up to smell the new blossoms that had appeared overnight on one of her olive trees. Generally, she was impatient and usually chose to speed up the growth of the flowers that she desperately wanted to see. But over the years, she had learned that if she allowed the plant to grow slowly, aided and nurtured by her powers, the blooms always had the brightest colors and smelled the strongest. This bloom was no different as she closed her eyes and deeply breathed the fresh floral scent.

It was moments like this she valued being the goddess of spring. She knew she could have domain over nothing else but the creation of spring.

Movement caught her attention as she watched a butterfly flutter and land on a branch not far away. The slightest smile appeared on her lips as she watched the butterfly's wings move. She had noticed it many times over the past weeks, loving the beauty of the vibrant colors on its wings.

She focused on channeling all the authority she could into her voice. "Shift," she ordered. The sharp tone of her voice did not match the smile on her lips. She may have been just a flower goddess, but she was now the queen of the Underworld, and her word became law. Especially while in her own realm.

It took a moment, Persephone knew they were hesitant, but eventually, the butterfly shifted into a beautiful maiden. A mocking laugh made its way out of Persephone once she saw the woman in front of her. The maiden was draped in beautiful white linen, and her hair was meticulously put into a complicated braid as it fell freely down to her waist. She knew the woman was not a goddess but a nymph, yet still, her appearance had a divine appeal. Of course, her mother would want nothing less than a gorgeous maiden to adorn her colt. Always in search of perfection.

"You serve my mother," Persephone stated rather than ask.

"How did you know?" the woman asked as she fidgeted nervously in front of Persephone.

In the past, Persephone might have gone out of her way to make the woman comfortable, but she found that ever since Orpheus and Eurydice's departure, she did not have compassion for everyone she met, but only for those who were innocent and deserving. And this nymph was anything but innocent. She had been watching Persephone the past week. Persephone had allowed her to continue her work because she had nothing to hide. But she now had a use for the woman.

"Fear, not your hex, had done its work, and your disguise was beautifully crafted. Anyone would have fallen for it, but you reek of her magic, and I am Demeter's daughter, and I can recognize her work better than anyone." Persephone told the woman, watching her closely, "I have seen you around my garden for weeks now, but not in the palace?" she asked, curious once again.

"No, my lady." The nymph said simply, purposely using the incorrect title for her. Normally she would think nothing of it, but this was a slap. The nymph was testing the waters, seeing what Persephone would do. Testing to see if Persephone would allow it.

"I am a queen now, not merely a goddess. The proper term is your majesty," she said instantly, making the nymph swallow audibly. "So tell me why you have yet to wander into the castle. Does my mother not want to know about my life inside? Only of my gardens and any outings, I choose to make?"

"I am not a spy, your Majesty," she replied, cleverly avoiding her question.

"Of course, you are." Persephone laughed, "You've been watching me and reporting back to my mother, Demeter. That, I believe, is the definition of a spy. But do not worry, I am not mad. In fact, there is a message I want you to pass on to my mother."

"You do?" she asked, looking up at Persephone once again.

"Yes, I want you to invite her to come visit me," Persephone explained.

"Demeter will not come to the Underworld, she despises Hades and everything he touches." The nymph shook her head vigorously. Persephone's hard exterior cracked at the nymph's words. This was her worst fear and the reason she needed to see her mother so badly.

Before she could stop herself, she blurted out a desperate cry of hope, "But certainly not me. Surely she is mad, but I am her daughter. I-" Realizing the desperate tone that had made its way into her voice, Persephone stopped herself before continuing what she needed to say. This time calmer, she continued her thought, "I miss her, and I wish to see her."

"Very well, your Majesty, I shall return to her immediately." The nymph nodded, unable to deny the request of a goddess.

Persephone held up her hand, stilling the woman before she left, "One other matter. I doubt my mother will send you back after you have so easily been discovered. But you will do good to remember and to tell others that if you return to my kingdom, it would be in your best interest to come and report to me."

"Your Majesty?" the woman asked after pausing upon Persephone's words.

"I do not like watchful eyes, especially ones I do not control." Persephone nodded. "Report to me, and I will tell you what to report to Demeter and what would be in your best interest to keep to yourself. Hades and I are prepared to make it worth your while," she told the nymph.

She knew there would always be watching eyes, but this was her home, and she would not be observed unless she could control the narrative. She knew her mother would always keep a watchful eye on her, which was why she had allowed the nymph to continue for so long. She had nothing to hide. But it had to come to an end at some point. She would not allow the Underworld to be watched so closely, so she took a page from Hades' book. She had seen how Hades controlled the Underworld in a way that commanded loyalty. It was a stark difference from Olympus, where there were no secrets.

"If she finds out that I or anyone else has betrayed her, she will kill us. Surely you know this?" the woman asked, desperate to not be put into such a position. Persephone nodded once, understanding where the nymph was coming from. But she had expected this response.

"Yes, my mother has a temper, but she will not kill you. At most, she will banish you. And that, my dear, is a good reason to not be caught." Persephone shrugged, not minding the fears of this nymph. She doubted she would ever see her again. "Either way, it is your decision; take your chances with my mother, or cross the queen of the dead. You must decide who's wrath you fear the most." Persephone said before she had the time to think about her words. They shocked her, and if she was honest with herself, they scared her. For she truly did not care what happened to this woman she had just met. She turned back to the olive tree behind her, so the woman would not see the startled look on her face.

She could not think of anything but her evil and the prophecy. She had hoped she would have more time. Perhaps a century before it began to show. No one had ever been afraid of her, and it had never bothered her. But now this girl clearly is, and she was the one to make her so afraid. Worst of all, it did not bother her how it should have. 

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