SEVEN || Pomegranate Promises

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She whispered a curse under her breath when she heard his footsteps echoing back down the hall. She was far from ready to see him. He had locked her away like some kind of possession. Like something to take out only when needed. Her mother had done the same to her. It infuriated her that he had done the same.

She knew this was not Hades' intention, that all he ever wanted was for her to be safe. A fact that was drastically different from what her mother had done. She had known that after hearing the news of the upcoming trial, his guard would be put up once again, and he would hold onto her as tightly as he could. That she had predicted, but not this. He had made her feel trapped. What had hurt her most of all was that he had not listened to her.

She needed more time to cool off before she saw him. Her anger would not be a pretty thing for him once he opened the doors. But she also needed answers just as badly as he had, if not more. She needed to know what her fate would be.

He opened the doors suddenly and stood there without a word. She had expected him to say something along the lines of an apology, but instead, it looked like he was waiting for the onslaught that was her anger. He was not an unintelligent god and knew that it was coming.

"Speak. It better be good, for I am furious, Hades," she told him, not moving from her spot.

His only reply was not a complicated one, "I'm sorry, Persephone."

"I would hope you would be!" she yelled, "Never again! Never again will you disrespect me like that!" she vowed to him and to herself.

"I did it to protect you." He explained to her once again. It did not work earlier, and it did not work now.

"There was no need!" she told him, standing to her feet from the bed and taking one step towards the man who stood motionless. "Was it worth it? Was it worth my anger?"

"I believe it was," he told her truthfully. "To keep you safe, any price would be worth it," he told her. He always told her the truth even when he knew it would only prove to inflame her further. And it drove her mad. She took three more silent steps forward until they were face to face. He only watched her as she approached. His face was calm in the heat of the argument while she knew hers was red with anger.

"Then you are not sorry," she said slowly to him.

"I am sorry it was necessary," he said sadly, eyes dripping a bit at the sides. "I'm sorry it hurt you." She shook her head, not listening to his sad tale. For a second, his soft words made their way to her heart, but she could not allow them to stay there. She still had more anger to burn. She did not want him to get away with it this easily. Still, his despondent eyes stuck with her and twisted her until she herself felt guilty for starting the fight.

"What did your brother have to say?" she asked, turning away from him, hoping the distance would help her.

"There will be a trial." His voice carried as if he was speaking to a full room and not just her. She was shocked by his words and quickly turned around to see his troubled face that only served to confirm his words. Suddenly the space did not steady her; it only proved to weaken her.

"No." She shook her head. "That can't be. There cannot be a trial, Hades. You said you could stop this." She started to ramble nervously, her mind wandering a mile a minute. If not even Hades or Zeus could stop this trial, how could there be any hope of victory? She sunk onto the end of the bed. The trial started to sound more and more like a death sentence for her.

"I'm sorry, Persephone, but it has to happen." He softly told her as he joined her on the bed, softly cradling her hand. Suddenly her anger was gone; all that remained was her love for him. She could not imagine what her world would look like if she was taken from him after having him so close. Looking up at him, she knew life would never be enough without him.

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