FOURTEEN || Thrones And Accusations

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"Alright, let us get this tribunal started." Zeus began, his voice booming through the grand room, catching everyone's attention. "Demeter, you are the one who requested this hearing, why don't you take the floor first? I believe you have some accusations against Hades?" he offered, giving the floor over to her.

It was only now that Persephone noticed her mother had already entered the room. She walked elegantly to the center floor surrounded by the thrones of different gods. The thrones rose higher and higher around the center stage. The highest was Zeus, who was flanked by Poseidon and Hades. Her mother took her time sizing up each and every god, making sure everyone's eyes were on her. She glared at Hades, but for a moment, her glare was placed onto Persephone, confirming what she already knew. Her mother held hatred for her. Persephone would never be the goddess her mother was. Her mother knew how to control a room and how to get what she wanted. Persephone was only hoping she could fake it enough to be believable.

"I have asked for this hearing to determine the outcome of my daughter, Kore, goddess of the spring." She began. "Two days ago, she was stolen from me in the middle of the night by the Lord of the dead and taken down to the Underworld and kept there, away from me, her mother. And as her mother, I demand her to be returned to me immediately," she commanded harshly, but not with anger. Demeter was playing the part of a scorned mother, and she was playing it well.

"Demeter, it would be in your best interest not to demand anything from me while in my court." Zeus interrupted, shooting her what Persephone thought was a terrifying stair. "With that being said, a fair trial is in order. According to our traditions, we will let every party have a turn to speak their side, then we will vote from which a decision will be made. As always, my decisions are final. Do all parties understand?" he asked the crowd of gods. They each took their turn, nodding or audibly agreeing with him. Persephone looked down at her mother, still standing at the center, and saw her smirking. Persephone didn't know if it meant she was overly cocky or if her mother had a trick up her sleeve. The thought sent chills down her back.

"Forgive me, Zeus, I meant no insult. I only wish to find the truth and for justice to be served." Her mother said carefully, picking and choosing her words until they slipped out of her mouth as smooth as nectar.

"Then proceed." Zeus nodded once again, handing the floor over.

"The night of the solstice, I lost track of my lovely daughter, Kore. She usually keeps to herself at those types of events, my daughter always being so shy, so I had no reason to worry about our separation. I only began to worry after she had been gone for quite some time, and I was unable to find her anywhere. I frantically searched Olympus for my sweet girl, but she was nowhere to be found." Demeter said sadly. Even Persephone felt guilty for letting her mother worry so much for her safety. "That was until I found her. With him." Demeter said like it was a curse, pointing her words at Hades.

"Nymphs in the past have told me that they have spotted the god on the edges of the forest, watching her, but I did not think anything of it. Not then, but now I wonder what his true motives were. Certainly, I could not have imagined this. Not until now. Hades, the god of the dead, took her. My poor little girl. Only a flower goddess, unable to protect herself. He stole her away the moment I tried to take her back. Acting as a thief instead of a god. He took her to his realm and locked her away where I could not reach her. I was forced to leave my darling daughter trapped in the dark Underworld, with no way to save her."

Demeter paused before she finished pleading her case. "I am here asking for justice. A young girl has been taken from her mother. All I am asking is that she is returned to me." Demeter asked skillfully, seemingly pleased with herself. Though her words seemed to have moved many in the room, they were mostly filled with lies spun together with bits of truth. Surely this type of deceit could not be passed here, at the very least, Persephone felt confident they would be able to disprove her. Once Demeter was seen as a liar, her whole argument would fall apart.

DIVINE - A Persephone And Hades RetellingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang