TWENTY FIVE || Her Cruel Mistake

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Persephone made her way to the throne room with Hades close by her side. She was thankful he was with her because his presence alone calmed her anxious nerves. They had eaten breakfast together, although it was mostly in silence. Persephone was always the one to talk during their time together, Hades happy to listen to her. Always the stoic king. She had a habit of talking on and on about any subject that piqued her interest. In the past, it had annoyed almost everyone she met, but Hades always seemed to love it. He was always a man of few words, so he loved to hear her speak about subjects she was passionate about. He would listen to anything she had to say, but this morning she had remained quiet. And even in her silence, he listened well. He knew something was wrong. It had reminded her too much of the morning before their own trial. She felt the same fear of the unknown she had felt that dreaded morning. Only this time, it was not for herself but another.

In most ways, this made it worse.

He had not asked her what her plans entailed, and she was glad of it because she herself was not sure if it would work. Speaking it into existence might defeat her before she even had the chance to try.

She had prepared for the day the only way she knew how. She had dressed in a dark red gown that dragged across the floor. The dress had the power to make her feel invincible, almost as if this dress, too, was divine. She hoped that if she looked powerful, it would help to convince others and possibly herself that she was meant to be in the Underworld. That she, too, had the makings of a queen. She knew she would have to act the part as well as look it. Every part of her was a queen. She would have to be coarse and unwilling, as she had practiced. Precisely who she was not and who she had never been. It was what she would have to do if she wanted others to believe the lie she and Hades had created on the day of the trial. That she was a force to be reckoned with. That her mother had hidden her true nature and that Hades had nurtured it.

She knew only part of this lie was true. She was not dangerous and was not powerful, but Hades had nurtured her, had taught her that she could be whatever she wanted. She had truly bloomed while with him.

Because she now had to hide her true self, she was beginning to understand Hades in a way she never would have been able to. She had seen all of his hidden smiles and the gentleness he saved only for her. She understood that Hades had two sides, one side to show the rest of the world and the other for only those closest to him. He, too, had learned the trick of hiding away his softer side in exchange for a harder shield exterior. She, too, was now learning how to be a God; how to hide all that was important to her. Saving her softer side of herself for those who deserved to see it.

She had thought it over in her mind during the night. While it was not what she wanted to do, she knew it was her only choice. She would have to make a show of it. She would use her words to prove to any curious eyes that she deserved to be queen. She would do all of this while also saving Orpheus and Eurydice in the process. She had not found a full-proof way, but if everything went according to plan, there was a chance. And a chance was all she could give him.

She knew this made her selfish. If she wanted to, she could send Orpheus and Eurydice to earth, and they would live a long and happy life together. But she, too, wanted to be with her love. So all she could give them was a chance while keeping the hope of Hades and her alive.

As they walked the corridor leading to the throne room, Hades stopped walking suddenly. She turned back to look at him curiously. They both knew they were alone, yet still, he spoke in a hushed tone, "I have no choice, Persephone." He told her, desperate for her to understand.

She smiled truthfully and ran an idle hand down his chest, straightening his already pristine shirt. "I know." She told him. She knew Hades was not a man who needed validation, but she saw in his eyes that he needed to know she, his queen, was on his side. And she was, she always would be. She knew he was not doing this to be malicious, they had both been backed into a corner and given no choice. She understood why he was doing this because she had made the same choice he had made; to save them both and all that they loved. Even if that meant damming a mortal or two.

DIVINE - A Persephone And Hades RetellingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ