FOUR || I'm Yours -

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual references. Light some candles, pour some wine, and read while within the arms of a handsome man. You have been warned.


Within the second it took Persephone to blink, her surroundings changed from the shadow-filled gardens into the great room of Hades' castle. She had no need to look around to know where she was, the smell of the wooden floors quickly registered to her, letting her know where she was. In fact, she didn't move at all, she simply stood where she was, studying her still outreached hand. Not quite grasping for something, but definitely empty.

She had done it. She had stood up to her mother. She had left.

She was free. Free. Free.

Never in her life had she been free from the guiding hand of her mother. Demeter was ever the watchful goddess. She had expected to feel weightlessness and not the heavy guilt she now carried as she lowered her hand back to her side. A small and hesitant part of her whispered that she could not be an important goddess without her mother's watchful eyes and guiding hands. But a much larger part of her allowed a smile to stretch itself across her face. A smile. A foolish smile no goddess would ever be caught wearing. But still, she smiled and relished in it.

She turned around to find Hades. To hold onto him, to kiss him, to do everything she had always dreamt of doing. This time it would have no end; this time, she would not have to go back. She was already home. She found him watching her carefully. Looking for any clue of regret or that she wanted it to be undone. His kingly and calculating face studied her every movement.

He should have already known there was no doubt to be found.

Only ever love.

The moment her eyes met his, he reached out to hold onto her chin lightly, turning her face up towards his. Again he studied her. "Are you okay?" he asked. The question cracked his hard exterior open and allowed his softer side to show. With her small hands, she smoothed away the worry lines that had gathered in between his eyebrows. They always seemed to appear no matter how often she kissed them away.

"Yes, I am," she answered him instantly. She had asked him to bring her here, knowing her mother would never happily let her go. It was difficult to see her mother so angry with her, but this was her only viable solution. Though he was worried about her, he had saved her.

"Are you sure?" he asked, concerned. He always seemed so concerned about her, as if she could break at any moment. He was always waiting for their end to come. If she had it her way, the unspeakableness would never happen. He would never experience the pain he always expected. Never from her. "It's okay to be upset about what has happened."

A sigh surprised her as it escaped her lips. She was surprised to find herself saddened, much more than she had thought, but of course, he had known. Her mother was the only one, besides Hades, she had ever loved. And now she was gone. She had traded one love for another.

It had physically hurt to see her mother so upset. Persephone feared this night had done real and unfixable damage to their relationship. But this was not something that could be changed. Not now. Maybe someday, but not tonight.

Although she found herself to be upset, it did not change how it felt to finally be with Hades. She could feel happiness waiting just underneath the surface, about to bubble over. This was what she had dreamt of every night for years. She did not know what to think now that she had everything she had ever wanted standing right in front of her.

"I know it is. It was hard seeing her so angry. But truthfully, I don't want to worry about her right now." She shook her head while wrapping her arms around his neck; he immediately pulled her hips closer to him. It was an instinct their bodies had come to learn. "Tonight is all about us. We should be celebrating." She said before kissing him. Years of wishing came to fruition, something she never thought would happen.

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