NINETEEN || Early Morning Distractions

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Persephone woke to the feeling of soft fingertips tracing the sides of her face and following a path down her neck. She was not yet fully awake, but she did not have to be to know who had woken her. Hades. Her love. He often woke her up with gentle kisses covering her face, soft caressing, and his ever traveling hands. It seemed like he was always impatient for her to wake up. She smiled sleepily when the featherlight feeling began to tickle. In response, a deep and rich chuckle filled the room, clearly, he was enjoying her reaction. A squeal made its way out of her mouth as his attack persisted.

"Must you always wake me like this?" She pouted, trying to snuggle deeper into the blankets, a feat Hades made impossible when he threw the blankets off of her. She was suddenly exposed to the colder air, but Hades did not waste a second and pulled her onto his hard chest. Suddenly she was no longer cold. Now, she was burning.

"Yes, in fact, I must," he replied. His smile spread across his face. She traced his lips with one finger, loving the sight of his carefree smile. "I might consider stopping if it wasn't for how much you obviously love it."

"Oh really? What makes you so certain?" She asked, playing along. When she finally had to return to her mother, she knew she would miss these private mornings, so she treasured each one, counting them amongst her greatest possessions. But she certainly would never tell this to Hades, it would only grow his already humongous ego.

"Because Persephone, you are glowing," he whispered in her ear before he continued to kiss her, placing soft kisses into the curve of her neck. Where it had tickled her only moments before, now it made her toes curl. His lips finally made their way to hers, coaxing a moan from her. For a moment, he only watched her before he spoke, "You are so beautiful." He looked down at her with a smile that could have blinded the sun, that could have stopped death, that could have dried the oceans. In simplest terms, it was a lightning bolt to her heart. His smile was purely divine.

"I have just woken up. At least wait until I have brushed my hair for you to say such wonderful lies." She laughed, but he saw no humor in her joke.

Taking a stray piece of her hair in between his fingers, he tucked it behind her ear, "this, here, moments after we wake up; you in the morning light, sleep still in your eyes, a smile on your lips, and your hair a mess reminding me of the delicious things we did last night. You could never be more beautiful," he told her, his eyes darkening with memories of the night before. "There was a time when I thought all my life would attain too was a prison sentence from my father. I could have never dreamed my life would be filled with such beauty. Every morning I am struck by how lucky I am to be able to wake up with you for the rest of eternity."

She watched as his smile faded slightly. She knew what he was thinking without him having to tell her. It was the same thought that had crossed her mind as well. Mornings like this would not last forever. Soon she would have to return to her mother, and then there would be no more cozy morning glow, no more soft kisses, and no more wandering hands. She had quickly become accustomed to them, and the thought of waking up any other way broke her heart. The trial had effectively cut their eternity into six-month pieces. The clock had started making both Hades and Persephone treasure each and every day.

Finding herself unable to say the words she was thinking, she quickly changed the subject. In need of a distraction, Persephone asked curiously, "What are your plans for the day?"

"I purposely cleared the day of all meetings, so I could spend it with you," he told her, leaning up to kiss her.

Hearing him, she quickly leaned away, an action that made him frown, but she could not be distracted. "With me? No, my first act as the queen of the Underworld cannot be to distract the king from pressing matters." She objected, sitting up to get a better look at him, still straddling his waist. The only thing she could read was his evident enjoyment of the view.

DIVINE - A Persephone And Hades RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now