Chapter 2 - Jasper

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And Duke Samuel is strict, very strict. Just one look at him and you can say it's impossible to get close to him. They say he's been the same since he's wife, the Duchess died during childbirth. He loved his wife a lot, still does maybe as he never thought of remarriage.

"You may raise Duke Samuel. How can I help you?" I drop my self back on the chair. I ask for him to take a seat.

"About the favor we talked about last time Your Majesty, I've come up with one." He says, my gut twists and I know this isn't going to anything good.

His balde like green eyes stare at me, Samantha looks a lot like him - not the perfect time to be thinking for her - Duke Samuel looks serious, determined.

The favor is the negotiation I have with him. In order to marry his daughter I have to do him a favor which he seems to have finally decided.

"Go on." I say rubbing my chin on my fingers.

"My Dukedom has no ruler after me. So I plan on returning it back to Your Majesty." His voice hit like an arrow.

Anxiety creeps inside my stomach making sweat form on my forehead, I take a sip of water before answering him.

"You do have a heir." I try to keep my voice as composed as possible. I can't flip a table on this man.

"She'll soon be the dethroned Queen, I have no intention of making her my heir. If you say no to my proposal you'll have to face major problems when I pass away and the Dukedom ends in your hands anyway." That's a threat.

Only one man can dare to threaten me in my kingdom and it's him, I envy his power so much. What will it take to have a personality like his? To have a power like his.

"What's the favour in this when eventually everything will happen one way or another?" I lean back trying to guess what's running in that old skull of his.

"It's very simple Your Majesty. You take my title while I'm handing it over and let me and my daughter leave the kingdom." He says it smoothly, like no big deal.

"You want to live like a commoner?" I ask in disbelief, a royal becoming a commoner is a big deal and Duke Samuel leaving the kingdom basically means the end of it.

The reason I've been gaining trusts is because I married his daughter, he wants to tarnish that? No way.

"Fine." I shrug, "But I also need to make some alterations." I say with authority.

"The mother of my child can't be a commoner. No way in another twenty century. So if the queen, your daughter gets pregnant with my child. She'll stay with me forever." I announce.

His shoulders tense and it's the first time I've seen shock on his face. He's so composed all the time the first time I saw him smile was at the aisle that too, of course at his beloved daughter. He shows no expression to the rest of the world as if they don't mean anything to him.

"You have a point but . . . ."

"I would never force your daughter, I'll have her consent with everything related to her." I say before he complains, I might actually understand his pattern of thinking. All he cares about is anything and everything related to his daughter. There must be some reason why he wants to become a commoner, I'll have to dig it up.

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