Chapter Forty Four - The End

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I sat in the van with Jones and Diana. Today was the heist and they were already in position. All we were eating on was for Peter to activate his watch.

"Peter's activate his watch." I stated seeing the time begin to go down

"All units get ready." Jones states through the walkie. Once the timer hits zero we're ready

"All right let's go get them call it." I order 

"All units move in." Jones orders over the walkie and I take my gun out as we enter the yoga studio.

"FBI Don't move hands in the air." Jones yells

"Woodford do not pick up that gun!" Diana orders spotting him

"Listen to her Woodford." I state and he eventually raises his arms. We disperse making the arrests. I grab Neal and handcuff him leading it out

"I thought I told you not to make it too tight." Neal commented

"I couldn't resist. It's my first time doing it, in official capacity." I load him into the back of the van. Diana brings Peter and then we close the doors before I got get Keller

"How you doing sweetheart. You wash up really nice." I make the cuffs tighter and he winces

"Your lucky your not dead after what you did to me Keller. Get inside. Boss coast is clear we need you out here." Peter comes out and we shut the doors once more. Once things were taken care of Peter went back to Neal and Keller.

"Where did they go!" I heard my phone beep and I took it out. Neal's anklet was on.

"Peter, look. Neal activated his anklet. Wall Street." I ran over showing him he smiles "I'm coming with you."

"Okay, let's go." we take one of the cars and leave.


We arrive on Wall Street. I we were getting closer but still couldn't see him when we heard a shot. I stopped and looked at my arms

"Neal." I breathed then took off running following the GPS  I the saw Keller

"Keller!" I yell and he takes off running we follow and he grabs a hostage

"Let her go Keller!" Peter orders

"I'm tired of taking orders from you, so right now we're gonna do this my way. So do as I saying she lives. We all do except for Caffrey. Maybe to late for him." I take off the safety

"What did you do!" I scream

"It's a sad day. Kara James. But if you leave now there's still time to say goodbye. Do the right thing. Do the right thing." he moved the woman to shoot and I fire aiming one in the head.

"Peter." I see the PD

"You got him"

"Yeah." We run off  where we came and saw the ambulance there with Neal.

"Move, move." I yell shoving people out of the way. "Neal."

"You need to move back" we show them EMTs out badges

"Neal." I cry stroking his cheek

"We're gonna get you out of this." Peter assures standing at the door of the gurney

"I don't think so." Neal wheezes

"Don't don't say that. You promised me remember. Your vows. And that death part is not yet you bastard ."

"You two are the only ones who saw good in me."

"I'm going with him"  I state and the female eat nodded letting me on board when the put him in.


-3rd Person-

Peter and mozzie stand with Kara looking over the dead body of Neal in the morgue. Mozzie doesn't even look

"No, no. Not possible. This isn't him. Of course not this isn't him. This isn't Neal." Mozzie denies

"Mozzie, stop it. Just stop."  Kara replies standing there broken, she had been sobbing, you could tell from the tear tracks down her face

"Same as JFK. The decoy hearse. They took Kennedy's body out of his casket and brought him to Bethesda Naval hospital ." Mozzie continued and Kara turned away. Peter did as well wrapping Kara in his arms as she started shaking again

"Stop it Mozzie just stop it!" Peter snaps at him "He's gone."

"No, no, because it's Neal. He can't be gone." Kara pulled away

"Mozzie he's right there. Right there in front of you just look." she sobbed "He's dead and he's not coming back!" she yells

"He's not coming back." she dropped to the floor. It begins to hit Mozzie

"It can't be him, Kara, Neal, always had it figured out. There was always a way out. It didn't matter how tight the scrape, Neal could always slide past. He could always get away!" Mozzie insisted. Kara ran out.

Peter was left to take Neals affects as the nurse listed them off. Then he was left alone.

"Your free Neal. Your free."


A week later the White Collar team and Kara's family  stood at the graveside of Neal Caffrey. Kara held Thea on her hip while Peter and Elizabeth stood on her right side with Mozzie on her left. Jones and Diana  behind them. Kara laid down two white roses on the coffin. One by one the mourners did as well. At the wake, Kara was sat in the corner drinking a glass of wine. She never spoke to anyone who came up to give their condolences. Peter came and sat down, with two glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

"How are you holding up?" Peter wonders pouring out two glasses and sliding one over

"Okay despite the fact I'm married and widowed within a year left to raise our daughter alone." she shrugged "The only reason I'm not drowning in bottles in bottles is because I shot the bastard." Kara picked up the small glass and downed it.

"Yeah. And soon the Panthers will be tried and sentenced. Justice will be served." Kara scoffed. Mozzie came over with his own glass of wine.

"What do we do now?" Mozzie asked

"That's the question isn't it."  Kara sighed going back to her wine. Once she finished it off

"It's almost Thea's bedtime. I should get her back home." Peter and Mozzie stood. She hugged them both and then left. Everyone watched her walk out of the door daughter in front.

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