Chapter Fifteen - Four Months

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I toyed with my necklace as i looked out of the window of my room. I was now onto the next stage of recovery which was physical therapy I had been at it for a month.

"Ms James, a Agent Collins is here to see you." Agent Collins. Peter had warned me about him.

"Agent James. I'm..."

"I know who you are and why your here." I comment as I was turned around to face him "Your trying to find Neal."

"Agent Kramer, says your his girlfriend. Or is it ex-girlfriend?" he smirked

"How is Kramer? Last I heard the DA was about to launch an investigation into him" I returned it "Apparently he's been more naughty than Neal" I limped over and sat down.

"No, I don't know where Neal is." I sigh

"You last saw him the day of." Collins looked through his file

"Technically I saw him the day before. He came to my hospital room after his interview but I was sleeping. The next thing I'm hearing about Neal is that he's cut his anklet and is on the run thanks to Agent Kramer. Do I know where he would go or aliases that he would use? No, Neal has a knack for being creative. You think I know something? I've been trapped in a hospital room now here, I get tidbits of information small conversations about how people's days have been. Now get the hell out of my room!" I yell and the orderly come rushing in and showing him out.


My family wondered why I wanted to join the FBI, they never really understood why I persisted, especially when the family name took off. I enjoyed it for the excitement, the anticipation of what would I would come across. Even the paper work excited me because I got to see first hand, how people were either really dumb or really talented then the thrill of the chase. Throughout Georgetown and training and eventual Agent Status I never once regretted it. Not even now.

"Kara." I turned to face Elizabeth who had a bag and was grabbing some things

"Elizabeth, what are you doing?" I question

"Breaking you out. Peter got through to Neal. You ready?" she came and stood in front of me

"Born ready."

"Good, we'll be taking the wheelchair, time is of the essence." she helped me into it and then wheeled me out. Then helped me into the car

"Oh I've missed this." she laughed and loaded up the wheel chair and my things. We drove to the back of the house and she helped me inside

"Look who's back." Elizabeth sang pulling me in backwards

"Hey." Peter, Jones and Diana greeted me and I was parked near the table

"Hey. Elizabeth thank you for setting me free. Honestly." I smile

"You are most welcome. I'll leave you too it." she left the four of us and i turned my attention back to the others

"What have you got so far?" I question

"We've managed to isolate three distinct background sounds from Peter's call with Neal." Diana stated "Church bells, waves and a storm."

"Let's get started."


We found him, Cape Verde and the bad news was that Collins searched Peters house, so no he knew where he was. Peter had gone after him as well.  I waited anxiously and days past and I had to continue on with my physical therapy and because I had a new sense of spirt, it showed and yes even though it was a few days.

-3rd Person-

Peter and Neal were waiting for Mozzie to get back with his camera

"How's Kara?" Neal asked and Peter smiled

"Worried but okay. She's in physical therapy and complaining every second." They both laughed. "She wears the necklace you gave her. She misses you."  Peter glanced at the phone and picked it up then handed it to him

"Call her." Neal hesitated "Call. Her." Neal took the phone and dialled her number. It rang out a few times.

"Hello?" Neal melted in his chair

"Hey." he replied

"Neal?! oh my....Are you okay? Are you safe? Please tell me your safe." she rushed out

"I am, for now. Peter thinks he can get me home, to New York. But it's a maybe right now." he answered rubbing his face

"Well a maybe is better than nothing." there was along silence "You know you did the right thing? Running was the only option with what Kramer was trying to do. No one here, scratch that everyone you know and care about gets it. And besides you running give me the perfect reason to cause some trouble of my own."

"Kara James causing trouble, now that is hard to imagine." The both laughed which made Peter smile

"I can cause trouble...legally. I may have spent my physical therapy homework in creating a file to kick Kramer out of his job. Now that is what you call therapeutic. I trusted him, he's not the man he once was and what he did was cruel." Neal and Peter saw Mozzie return

"Mozzie's back."

"Okay, Tell him thank you for the audiobooks  but he should stick to what he's best at which is not that." Neal chuckled

"I will. Bye."



Neal was talking with Maya while Peter practiced is mixing skills as a bartender.

"I have a question and I want you to answer me honestly." May stated


"The girl that you carry around in your wallet, who is she?" Maya questioned making Neal sigh he then pulled out the picture

"Her name is Kara and she was or is my second chance" He handed the picture "Funnily enough she's FBI."

"You flirted with me to forget her?"

"I had to leave her behind because I knew that this life went against everything she stands for that and it wasn't possible for her."   he shrugged. "I brought a lot of trouble for her. Me keeping her picture was a reminder that it is possible to move on." he admitted

"What is she like?"

"When she's at her best? Sassy, independent, strong, and she's been compared to a tiger" he laughed

"you love her." Maya realised but Neal didn't say anything but he knew deep down she spoke the truth he just wasn't ready to admit it.


Peter drove Neal to the centre, Kara was at. He pulled up and led him inside.

"Why are we here?" Neal asked as they walked through the halls

"In there? You have an hour." he pointed to the door at the end of the hall. Neal gave him a nervous look but Neal went ahead. He opened the door and laid on the two seater sofa was Kara. She looked over then sat up.

"Welcome home." she used her cane to stand and Neal took small stride with his leg and the two embraced. Peter watched happily as the two sat down and Kara laid into his chest. as she handed him the book he had been reading during her coma and recovery.

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